Zoo… Picnic… Baking = Bliss

And so our first true spring weather Friday was a massive success… Though we were unable to get overly close to the ring-tailed lemurs –  they had a little baby and were put back further in the monkey house for some odd reason… and there was only ONE example of a ring-tailed lemur toy (a stuffed animal – adorable but almost 32.00!! OUCH) everyone got their fill of the zoo and its variety of animals.

You can JUST see the baby back on the ledge

Zoo crew! (Zander left)

We lucked out and got to be present while the elephant was out on her walk (she is very elderly now and a slow walker but you could tell the handlers adored her!). It was amazing to see how sensitive her feet are – even a little pebble had her stop and use her trunk to remove it.

Getting the stone off her foot

We managed to get some wonderful pictures of the Siberian Tigers. They were actually rather active, walking around their enclosure.


My favourite was actually another breed or lemur – the black and white ruffled lemur. Quite the energetic creatures!

Black and white ruffled lemur

After enjoying some cotton candy we headed back to the van to go to our favourite picnic location – the park in the valley. Our first real picnic of the year, we enjoyed the sunshine, green grass and of course the birds. (ok seagulls) I love going on the weekdays – it is so much quieter and safer allowing us to let the kids wander around more.


Playing soccer (Gavin left)

Emanuel and Trinity spent some time trying to catch up to some seagulls while the rest of us continued our meals. I almost wonder if they enjoyed that MORE than the zoo!

Chasing the seagull

As the grand finale of our apple lapbook we attempted our very first apple pie entirely from scratch! Crust and all… with our pro Chris to lead the way. Crisco crust recipe and a very basic filling of apples, cinnamon, brown sugar and nutmeg. Pretty fail safe according to Chris.

Total delish!

As an extra ADDED bonus (and since Chris didn’t want to have to pack the food stuffs) we made rice krispie squares!!! One of my favourites!

Mmm Rice Krispies!

So baking, zoo, picnic… a day in the sun and yummy snacks in the belly. Perfect! And it looks like our Saturday will actually be a leisurely one… though the kids are clamouring to get the pool out and ready for action.

Enjoying sun and pregnancy at the same time! (Zander)

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