27 Celcius???

So in true Alberta weather patterns we went from snow earlier this month to +27 cel weather. Thankfully not until the high point of the day which left Karyn, Trinity, Emanuel and I the perfect weather for a walk to the nearest gas station (while Ken and the twins were at the year end Sunday School party – no pictures as the parents were kicked out).

Heading out

Emanuel got his very own slurpee – pink – his choice! Which meant that Trinity wanted MY slurpee… ok so I KNOW I shouldn’t have let her but it was our special day too! So we shared, which meant she carried and I snuck sips.

Treats in hand

MY slurpee the little thief!

On the way back we stopped at one of the parks to play for a bit. So much sand and so deep! But Emanuel and Trinity gave it their all.

Bouncing together

That got us home around noon with a happy Emanuel and a worn out Trinity who cried her eyes out the moment Karyn snuck away the slurpee so off to bed she went. Which left Emanuel to watch cartoons until the twins and Ken got back.

After the kids were settled with their lunch Karyn and I headed out to do some shopping and as ALWAYS happens when I shop with Karyn I found a great deal on my diaper bag! Graco brand, relatively simple but suede feel to it… 10.00! It was the last one and tag-less so the store managed said 10.00. I am rather sure it was worth more than that but DEAL!

THE bag!

I tried on some tops at Old Navy and checked H&M for deals but did not come up with anything I fell in love with or that had the right price. Karyn had fun at Sephora though and we did have yummy lunch of Chinese food in the larger food court. Of course a quick stop at Michaels where they had paper on for 3 for a dollar (well the regular 99 cents a page paper). The twins came home with bubble wands which I was able to find one LIKE it for Emanuel there as well.


We saw Karyn off early in the evening and then waited for the sun to go down a bit before sending all the kids out to enjoy the new bubble wands. This is going to be our spring and summer to truly enjoy the weather and our backyard. Picnics, playing in the pool, sitting under the umbrella… even school work outside, hopefully we can enjoy it all.

Bubble wands (Gavin front)

Trinity and her little container though she did not really catch on how to work it

Ken and I are making the conscious effort to spend more quality together time this month. Sometimes I miss just sitting together and chatting. As soon as the weather turns pleasant life gets so busy and people drop by all the more. Sometimes it is nice to be the couple we were before the kids and the rush rush rush. With only a few more months until we become a family of 7 I am glad to place some importance on being a couple again.

Trinity and her God-Mommy Karyn

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