Picnic With the Bugs

After the spring showers of last night the weather today was rather lovely, a nice breeze, some sunshine… mosquitoes???? That’s right, for a city that has a rather extensive spraying the park was over run with the little buggers.

So our picnic with Chris and Chris was cut a little short, we managed food, some play with the soccer ball, bubbles AND flying a kite. I just did not figure on there being so many bugs and did not bring our spray.

Juice box pro

Pregnant kite flying

Sadly when figuring out my day I had not imagined that our picnic would take so little time, this left me with little or no actual activity planned for schooling today. Luckily we have not yet done up our Father’s Day cards and I need to send out an envelope to my own father in Carolina. So the boys spent a nice portion of their afternoon colouring cards for their god-daddies and grandpa.

Card colouring (Gavin red)

Our tulips in the front yard are finally flowering.  A few pink ones to enjoy, though the twins were SURE they were called ROSES and not tulips. Actually, I am still not sure they actually believe me even now.

Our tulips

We got the opportunity to meet Ada’s parents who are here from New York for a month or two. They stopped by with Nathan and Ada on their way to Ada’s doctor’s appointment. They came bearing gifts! Some fruit for us to try…

Dragon Fruit

and a lovely Hersey lunch tin with chocolates in it! Mmm what a perfect gift for a pregnant woman! Lately I have not been able to get enough chocolate in the house to be actually content!

Mmm Chocolate!

We sold our 3rd IKEA crib today as well. Feels good to get rid of something that is not needed for our not so little family and help another person along with her newest addition. This is all done with the purpose of forcing Emanuel out of his toddler (crib) bed and into a bigger bed next year. I have already scoped out some really neat and affordable “futons” (Ken says sofa beds) from IKEA that are all one mattress for the twins and would cost us less than buying beds the normal way. That leaves Emanuel with the slightly higher bunk bed top (also IKEA but a used) as his big boy bed. Something a little funky for the twins and Emanuel gets to have his higher up hideaway.

It is hard to believe the week has hit midway. The weather has gotten rather blustery toward the evening and much more “spring in Alberta.” Time to dig out the bug spray and maybe even the rain boots.The upcoming weekend is a long weekend so I am working on Ken and in turn a couple other friends to see if we can AT LEAST get a picnic planned. The weather report is looking relatively safe at 15 cel for the weekend…

I have started the “big baby sort” early… Ada is due next month and I want to have her neutrals to her early and then a stack of “boy” and a stack of “girl” dependant on the outcome. It is fun to go through everything again and see what we saved. I actually have not given away a lot of our baby baby clothes since Quinn was born all the way in Minnesota so I could not bring him down things until he was a year old! So Baby Perrin the first is making out like a bandit! Which means I should get back to work!

Everyone in a row (Zander far right)

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