Two Days in a Nutshell

I apologize for last night’s lack of entry but I was in no emotional space to write anything worth reading.

As of today I am officially past the second big Reinsch-Johnson pregnancy hurdle.

#1 – the early ultra sound and whether or not it was twins

#2 – 30 weeks… the time when our twins were born, while I know each pregnancy  is different can you blame me for a certain level of anxiety at the 29th week when I had unknown bleeding and spent 5 days waiting for answers in the hospital only to have to go through with what was then determined as labour and have our first children 10 weeks early?

So a minor sigh of relief compounded by the fact that it has now been TWO days since my glucose test and no call from the doctor’s office. I still feel absolutely horrid like the glucose has made permanent residence in my stomach and is repelling ANYTHING I eat… but so far so good.

Thursday was a relatively quiet day. We stayed close to home to wait on any phone calls… worked on our schooling and made a family trip out to H&W for produce. Ken picked up my photos at Superstore but I was just not in the state of mind to do any pages so nothing to share on that end. Maybe tonight if I feel up to it.

I do need to share my one decadent treat of the week… a sort of reward for sitting through the hell that was my 2 hour glucose test. CHEESECAKE! Ken bought a box mix (the only somewhat affordable way to purchase one of my favourite treat), I defrosted some strawberries so they would be “squishy” and MMMM. In fact Ken is leaving me the lion’s share of said cake! What a lovely husband.

Nom Nom Nom

For the kids a special treat – slurpee! We decided they had behaved well enough to get one so Ken chose pink bubblegum flavour (ew) and they each got a small cup and straw. It was KEN’S idea this time that Trinity get her own share – NOT mine (I wanted to give her a sugar free juice box but he didn’t want her to feel left out!). Not the best choice as though she loved the drink she woke up a couple of times last night fussy and slept curled up in a ball on her stomach instead of her usual on her back sprawl. She is much more active in bed – rolling around, fussing when she has had white sugar. Thankfully no new rash and her behaviour today was pretty much her usual loving self.

Pink Bubblegum! (Gavin blue)

This morning Emanuel woke up bright and early clamouring to do more dinosaur sheets. In fact, according to Ken (I was sent back to bed), he spent MOST of his morning at the table working on his dinosaur folder. He is making it VERY hard to keep up hunting down worksheets on the internet! But it is a great feeling to have one of the kids so invested in something right now!

Schooling in Pj's!

Speaking of busy kids… today we finally had a break in the weather which sent us scurrying outside to do our tiny vegetable patch. We planted 3 types of seeds – peas, carrots and lettuce. I found the acorn squash seeds from last year that I am planning on planting tomorrow. We decided to keep it small and manageable, as well as each boy’s Mother’s Day craft pot being done up with peas. We are going to keep track of their growth by drawing pictures.

All hands in (Gavin blue)

Supervisor Trinity

Our little garden

This all quickly morphed into a caterpillar hunt for Emanuel (had absolutely NO luck convincing him it was a worm but it was!)…

Bug watching

and a weeding expedition for the other two… they took out a fair amount of the weeds in the front yard before loosing interest. So very productive!

Hard at work (Zander red)

Of course after all this fun I noticed the camera is making an odd sound when it zooms.. BUT it still zooms so here’s hoping it is just some potting soil in the gears that will work its way out. I love my camera too much for it to go kaput! At least it is still working and Ken can get on the internet to research any sort of troubleshooting tonight.

On top of our gardening outside we also worked on our worksheets for the lapbook. The twins were actually VERY willing to work on them with me – mainly the copying of words for items used when gardening but they were more than game. It was a lovely change, and hopefully a trend that continues.

We managed to get in the time Wednesday night to take more maternity photos that I have added to my deviantArt account. (you have to have an account to view them sorry) I am looking forward to doing another set in a week or two. It has certainly increased my love of photography and my confidence in my and Ken’s skills AND my own personal image. There is something rather special being told you are beautiful pregnant woman by perfect strangers. Talk about an ego boost! Now if I could be THAT confident AFTER this pregnancy that will be the REAL trick.

Sewing has not been the most productive but I am making headway on the outlining on the wedding present, have already mocked out a baby sampler and discussed the remaining commission. I have high hopes of maybe even squeaking in some time on some personal projects in the foreseeable future!

Now in order to get myself re-focused on me for the weekend AND my scrapbooking that is yelling at me to  get started I REALLY should make this an early post and get going on my projects!!

Just us girls!

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