Mid Week How Did That Happen?

Rain rain go away… spring, summer and now fall! This is the most rain I think Ken has ever seen in Canada in the 10+ years he has lived up there. I think he is starting to wonder if it is monsoon season!

We had a visitor today, She Chris came by when she got out of school early before He Chris got off work. A snuggle with Echo and a quick run to 7-11 for slurpees and off she went. It is hard having them over an hour away but a bonus as when one is done before the other or they need to crash we are top of the list.

Hello Aunty Chris

So the folder set up is still working well, the boys worked on their worksheets (choosing which they did on their own) and then worked in their copybooks to review their ABC’s… I asked for advice on the local email group and am adding in all our names and their first and last names as copybook practice. I am very impressed with how much improvement there has been in their letters. Their patience in writing them too!

Gavin and his copy work

Craft for today – for 3/4 of the kids at least (Emanuel was slow to relax and nap so missed this one), was making bracelets. This time using some of the letter beads I bought at Dollarama and the Ikea version of the Perler Beads (they just don’t hold as well when you melt them). Gavin and Trinity worked together to make her bracelet, which she then spilled and he had to REMAKE. Such a good big brother.

Gavin and Trinity at work on her bracelet

And the big excitement of the day – PLAH-DOH! We broke out the new colours and the kids got to sit down and create without limits. Nothing was saved but they had a blast making and then ALL helped clean up.

Play Doh! (Zander right)

Of course, as always happens in this house, mid dinosaur prepping the printer ran out of something VERY crucial – black ink… So now we have to REALLY pin down our school funding and get things sorted. After all the cartridge costs 60.00 though it DOES last over a year and we print TONS. So I ordered the books off the list from the library and checked out the suggested links online… now we combine the 3 folders and work out how we are going to get more ink.

It has been a bit of a struggle to get things done today. Echo seems to have a mild cold – mostly phlegm, but it means feeding her less in one sitting and more often. If I  feed her as much as I normally do at one sitting some of it inevitably comes up with the phlegm so now it is back to every 2 hours or so feeds. Not the most conducive to getting stuff done, and since she is not the hugest fan of Daddy or anyone else it is basically Mommy or nothing. Well except for the sewing. That is easy to do baby in lap.

Stocking to date

Last night I played around with the camera, our wicker basket, some fake rose petals and of course my current favourite photo subject – Echo. I have to have Ken go through them all to pick the best ones but it was fun, and she was nice and relaxed so I had the opportunity to take multiple images. Now if I could just get her poor tummy (and my own to a milder extent) settled!!

One of last night's images

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