Minor Epiphanies of a Humourus Nature

So our little home has been the birth place of a few MINOR epiphanies starting with the completion of Echo’s 6am feed (which occurred THREE hours after the previous feed – thank you very much little darling). Picture this (I feel so Golden Girls)… 6am this morning… usual series of events – nurse burp switch sides nurse burp and then bathroom. On the way to the bathroom I noticed Emanuel’s door was open (not an unusual occurrence, when he heads to the bathroom in the middle of the night we are impressed he can figure out which way to go and always in the toilet) and again on the way back but of course without glasses I c0uldn’t really see details… I put my glasses on and what do you think I saw? Or in this case DIDN’T see? Well apparently my sweet little 4 yr old was AWOL. So I had to go into the living room and wake up Ken and send him on the hunt. This is where the mini epiphany appears – apparently our little baby boy has been a total GRUMP for the past couple weeks because he has been sneaking into the basement to play toys and THEN wake up his brothers! Ken just assumed he was up around 8 since that is when he would be woken up by Emanuel or the other two… so Ken had to bring him back upstairs in tears and explain to him that he needed to stay in bed until DADDY came and got him. I guess it is time to get a clock for Emanuel’s room and teach him how to figure out it is 8am and time too come out.

So that was ONE of the minor epiphanies, the second is centred more around Ken and myself. Another late night last night with taking photos, tidying, making lists and of course dealing with Echo and once again sleeping in this morning. Well, I went to get up this morning around 9 or 10 am and Ken sent me to bed – reason – he wants us to watch the first episode of a new tv series – Lost Girl tonight and wants me to be “awake for it”… the truth is out! He has been letting me sleep in to further his wish to watch tv… men. And here I THOUGHT he was just being sweet… oh and his willingness to sleep in the living room to “give us space” in the bed – well that allows him to miss half the feeds I do and sleep right on through… chivalry may just be dead… naw, I kid I kid. But I did get a good giggle when his so called possible reasons came to light, jokingly, at my mom’s. That is one of the things I love about Ken – he has no problem joking around with my mom.

So I slept in (duh) and then this afternoon sent the boys (and later Trinity) out to do their end of summer chore – clean up the backyard for Daddy to mow one last time. Which of course morphed into playing in the backyard and then Zander in time out for pushing Emanuel but no one got hurt and fun was had so I figure – a success. But before I got up KenĀ  sat down and played our 3D snakes and ladders game with the boys!

Snakes and Ladders (Gavin middle)

We sent the boys downstairs with our jumbo tin of dominoes and Ken’s basic explanation of how to play dominoes – not exactly per rules but matching the numbers, which lasted… well not very long. Apparently it is more fun to play with them in other ways BUT I could hear them babbling excitedly about the numbers on the pieces and working out which match. Not only that but teaching Emanuel along the way. So not the way an adult would go about it but they were learning something and that is all I care about and in a PEACEFUL way.

I sent off an email to Trinity Lutheran Church hoping that we can settle on the 24th of October, of course I remembered that AFTER the office has closed for the day but at least I have done it. With the baptism gown hanging in the closet I am getting VERY excited about fleshing out the details. There is invitations to make, party to plan and of course family and friends to contact. Echo has TWO sets of godparents – one in Minnesota (who won’t make the service due to work commitments) – Bree and Scott Jatzo-Huber (you will recognize the name of Quinn’s mommy there) and here in Canada – Nathan and Ada Perin (Baby Anna’s mommy and daddy). Karyn has agreed to stand in for Bree and Scott. Speaking of Quinn I am going to take a minute and share a picture of Trinity’s birthday buddy – I think he is absolutely ADORABLE!!

A friend of Bree's took this - amazing no?

Ken and the kids made the most of the at least rain free weather (though not overly warm) and got a nice head start on cleaning up the backyard. The goal is to have all the toys and such done and put away BEFORE the snow comes down. While they were doing that Echo and I pulled out all the outgrown Trinity clothes and sorted through our 0-3 month pieces and boxed up the bigger ones. I have 3 more bags for Baby Anna and a start on another bag to donate to mom’s store.

Ken mowing

Celebratory Apples (Zander right)

Ken and I have an agreement, if he can get done a list of things that have been put off due to one thing or another by SUNDAY NIGHT I will do ALL the dishes for a week (keep in mind we have no dishwasher any more, the one in this place is old and no longer working well and the owners are not replacing it til they remodel after we move out) AND he gets tons of gaming time. Win win right? He gets fun time and I get my chores done that I have been DYING for him to get done! Now we see if he can do it! The list is not that long, just a lot of various chores that either he has said he would do or I can’t do.

The needle case is coming along nicely. So there is some benefit to having to sit and snuggle a grumpy baby. Ok, not grumpy so much as demanding of Mommy. And I really am NOT complaining. After all what is better than baby snuggles?

Coming along nicely

Ken was able to ensure that our papers are in and being finished up with the board so further information should be in our hands shortly (YAY), he worked hard this afternoon to get some calls in… including to the toner store who is OUT OF STOCK!! Figures, but tomorrow or Thursday I will have my toner and we will be back in business. After all I am ALSO waiting on a pattern or two that Ken is supposed to be working on and right now – can’t print out!

The boys are excited, tomorrow morning after they get dressed they are starting their day watching the educational dinosaur video. There are still a few printed out pieces for the kids to do in their folders and once I get sorted tomorrow there is that darn unfinished folder. I have given myself until the end of September to have everything sorted and tidy and I plan on making that goal.

It is hard to believe that tomorrow we are midway through another week. I don’t know that I am ahead of the game or anything but our living room is as tidy as it can be with so many kids, Ken is well on his way in the kitchen and Trinity and Emanuel go to bed in lovely tidy rooms every night! I am still thinking up photo ideas and adding the ones we think are best to deviantArt. So I have to say I feel like I am enjoying every minute lately and THAT is what matters!

The men in my life (Gavin left)

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