I would like to suggest that everyone watch today’s Dr. Phil episode or at the least check it out on his website Dr.Phil.com and the episode “Bullied to Death?”. He covered bullying due to sexual identity which have resulted in suicides. Tomorrow is a continuation of the theme and I am definitely going to tape it to watch in case I miss it. It is shows like this that remind me why I have chosen to homeschool – one of the reasons at least. It scares me how bullying has become so media covered… the use of the internet to increase the pressure on our children. I really hope that I am setting the foundations to raise children that are tolerant of differences and unwilling to stand by and watch while others are intolerant.

So yesterday… well Echo was a cranky little thing. I think she has some phlegm in her tummy because she has spit up a lot of milk, and is very determined that it be mommy or no one.

Tuesdays tend to be rather laid back around here. BUT we did manage our painting time. With not enough smocks to go around Emanuel and Trinity ended up in two of Daddy’s old shirts (talk about cute! note the Linux penguin).

So cute

Our theme for today was FALL/AUTUMN so they got colours to match – red, yellow, orange, brown, black and green… the kids were rather good at painting SOMETHING instead of just mushing all the colours together and seeing what happens (which with black – as you can tell on TRINITY’S picture – is a whole lot of dark colour). I was impressed by the lack of mess in the end. Trinity did dump over her water and get Gavin a little dirty and she in turn painted her arms and forehead a little, but they had fun and we didn’t have to spend extensive time on clean up so it is all good!

Painting (Gavin)

Completed pictures!

The weather has been utterly beautiful the past two days. So we have sent the kids out whenever we can. The plan has been revised and HOPEFULLY Ken will get the front leaves raked and piled in the backyard for pictures tomorrow. I want to get some cute ones of our girls at least!

I have finished my cross stitch but can’t share it until it is received. BUT Ken promises me the pattern for Quinn’s stocking this week! I am REALLY excited about that. The hope is to come up with something relatively simple but Christmasy and classy!

This early afternoon there was a bit of excitement – a bunny in the front yard! The past year has not been nearly so plentiful wild rabbit wise to the benefit of our greenery, but the kids were overjoyed to see one and had to have a nice peek before the boys headed out with Ken.

Crouching Bunny no Hidden tiger

Today was the first this year for the monthly gym homeschool meet up. Since we still are not in possession of our van (the mechanic is sourcing out parts!) we only have the 5 seater car my mom lent us. This means only Ken and 3 of the kids can go anywhere which worked perfectly this afternoon. The gym really is for the boys, Trinity was much better off with a lengthy afternoon nap.

Fun in the gym (Gavin red)

While all this was going on I took advantage of the quiet and the fact that the blanket Nana made Echo was finally washed and ready to go and took some pictures.

On the Nana blanket

This left us with a quiet home for Chris (She) to come home to after her 3rd day of her practical. It was nice to sit around with the girls and just relax… until the boys came home and the noise level went back to normal!

Since we have an adult in the house (thank goodness) Ken and Echo and I were able to run out for a couple chores today as well. Superstore for diapers, H&W for our weekly fruit and veg run, and a sit down at Tim Hortons for a snack. Echo didn’t do too badly and Ken and I got some much needed together time OUTSIDE of the house. In fact, I think we will run out on Friday and try and find me a shirt to wear to the baptism on the 24th. And then a game night with BOTH Chrises before they head out Saturday morning and we are houseguest-less once again!

This evening Karyn also came by after work. She had accidentally taken our single stroller home with her on Saturday and with her plans to go to Saskatchewan on Thanksgiving weekend there just wasn’t enough room for it to head out with her. She stuck around for a visit and took over the hair braiding for me tonight so I could snuggle our somewhat cranky baby.


Finished Braid

That leavesĀ  this evening for worksheet prep (and a little sigh about our still empty cyan), tidying the house, and of course sorting laundry!! What a life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Our littlest sweety

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