A Continuation on the Snow Theme

Emergency has been averted… after clearing the walk for the umpteenth time Ken opted to DRIVE to the Wholesale grocery store a few blocks away. It was too cold for a walk and safe enough for the drive. Although unable to get the demanded for rice cereal MILUPA brand, he WAS able to get bananas (the only brand they had there was Nestle which after past experience x4 we knew better than to settle for… and after tasting it myself I am in total agreement – BLECK). The look on Miss Echo’s face when he brought out his bowl of bananas for her was total ecstasy. Hopefully tomorrow we can ALL get out and get a couple boxes of her beloved cereal. How horrible of us to be caught unprepared after 4 previous cereal eaters!

While the roads in some areas of the city are “better” they were no where near where we wanted them to be for the whole family to bundle up and head off to church so no Sunday School for the boys. I shot off an email this afternoon to the lady in charge to see if NEXT Sunday there is class but I was not about to shove us all out the door onto iffy roads and freezing temperatures. Instead we bundled up the kids and threw them outside to briefly play in the snow. This was all after the boys were kind enough to let myself, Ken, Echo, Trinity and even Sean (asleep on the couch) to sleep in until 11am! Apparently we all needed it as everyone woke up in a better mood (though Echo’s was not apparent until AFTER her bananas when she headed right off her musical bear in tow to bed for a nice afternoon nap).  Outside play did NOT last long and 4 red cheeked children ploughed back indoors to warm up. The brief time outside was nice though, some fresh air, a bit of play in the snow and some yelling OUTDOORS before back in for food and naps for Emanuel and Trinity.

Trinity on her way back in


To make up for our lack of activity otherwise we brought out the sugar cookie dough and made up some cookies. I plan on making icing tomorrow to let them decorate the few that will be left.

Using the cookie cutters Grandma Anna gave us

Of course we decided to make a Snow/Winter poster and now I can’t find the poster paper… I KNOW there is some in the house somewhere but am not quite sure where it got put. Hopefully we will either find it or make it out to the Dollarama to buy more (which will inevitably lead to us FINDING the paper we already had!). The weather is still beyond chilly so there is no guarantee we will brave the elements to do a little shop.

Now to get the house “un”Christmased. I have bits around the house to take off of walls, counters and windows… and then there is the tree. The plan is to take the tree down next weekend, so I have some time to take a few more pictures in front of it. We really can’t keep it up much longer. Once the tree is down we can move the toys out of Emanuel and Trinity’s rooms we stored there and even downsize them a tiny bit. The twins made a bag of cars and such they want to give away already, but it is hard to get rid of toys they may be out growing when there are 3 more on differing developmental stages growing INTO them.

So tonight Ken has “earned” some WoW time and Sean is still here to play along, Chris and Chris are here to start off (she)Chris’ second week at our home. I figure I will get what I CAN do done tonight around Echo’s sleep and my own need to rest up a little before another long week. PLEASE let us be able to spend MORE time outside!

Baby smiles

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