Craft Nervana?

More snow… seriously??? I mean COME ON, we have not had this much snow in years. I wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t so darn cold (-22 Celsius). There has been a lot of talk lately in our home about playing in the sun, having it rain and going to a lake or something. Funny how last year all the boys wanted to do was live in the snow and there was not enough to make them happy!

MORE snow

So the twins had a special treat, today one of their stories was read by Daddy. I story about kittens and what they do. I absolutely LOVE the illustrations with this book, it was a favourite when the boys were younger.

Reading with Daddy

Gavin's is on the left

Our second book was a gift from their Nana when we were down in Minnesota on our last visit called Follow the Moon. It is actually a song as well (there is a cd included though we have not listened to it yet). The illustrations are done by a lady out of Montreal. I absolutely love the realistic images in the book and the story is so sweet.

Zander's is on the left

Our third book was an ABC book – Jousting with Jesters. Another Karyn pick. The art is so pretty on this book.

Gavin's is on the left

Our 4th and final book of the day was a signed copy of The Best Pet of All. I am pretty sure it was a gift from his god-daddy Cory.  A first birthday present, and another book with a Dragon in it.

Zander's is on the left

I have been working on even more bows last night. I have not finished off the newest blue piece as I am now waiting on the French Barrettes I purchased off eBay (under 5.00 for 50, from Hong Kong). I figure there are only so many I want to make using the alligator clips (they are more decorative and less able to actually hold the hair on their own).

I still have to glue in the centre knot

I love the purple Celebrate ribboned one. I actually made a covered alligator clip that turned out too perfect with the word placement and had to save it. I am not sure if I saved it for me or a gift but I am going to attempt to create the same effect.

Pretty purple celebration

Tonight is a special dinner with Ted. He FINALLY has his landed status in hand (after a run to the border) so to celebrate we had spaghetti with our Ethiopian spice. It is so exciting that after 2 years he finally has his status. Takes his life out of holding pattern, and trust me, we know the feeling!

So yummy

I have been working on my big stitching project lately… progress is slow but significant. Again just a select portion shared. I am hoping to get the entire piece done this year… maybe.


The big excitement (besides ribbons) in Lisa craft world is two fold – one Ken FINALLY got me my newest pattern – a somewhat quick Dr. Who themed piece I am going to stitch up and hopefully, with the other I did last month, put it up for free download here. The next project is the wedding sampler for my step sister… but I have only got a basic idea as to what I want so far… Ken and I have some brainstorming to do! The other was a drop off – Karyn and two of her friends came into the city to go to IKEA and to drop off her Cricut for me to borrow. I have Hello Kitty shapes to make for Trinity’s birthday after all!

So tonight I tidy to make room for crafting… stitch a little and hopefully get in some visiting with Ted and Ken! What a life.

Fun with the websites

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