Birthday Party Weekend

We fulfilled our birthday girl’s wishes with her PINK KITTY PARTY quite well I think, we had pink… well everything we could… and the kitties hanging from the ceiling, on the cake, on the table, on printed colouring pages AND in the presents! We are officially a Hello Kitty house!

Amazingly enough these were sold in packages of 2, and 2 different people bought the sets... and NO duplicates!

We had a nice group of friends and family here to celebrate. Grandma and Grandpa Mike brought Phoebe along with a few new toys for the boys as well.

Grandma and all 5 kids


We had Esther come late (but not too late) bearing DRESSES for Trinity (talk about a score – now I don’t have to find a new Easter dress for her!).

Ted and the Esther

We had 3 little kids, well 4 if you count baby Izaac who slept through the majority of the party. Alexander, Isabella and Anna. So we had little ones everywhere playing and having a blast. With our pink clothed Hello Kitty themed birthday girl in the thick of it.

Chowing down

Wee Izaac

Our Anna

The cake that Karyn and I baked and decorated turned out PERFECT! We flavoured our icing mint and had two flavours of cake – vanilla and chocolate.

Cake and cupcakes

The two layers

Along with our themed cake we had our rainbow cupcakes. The recipe with the colour ratios can be found here. Topped with our 7 minute frosting. We had over 2 dozen of those. Though our single batch of the frosting was possibly THREE times as much as we needed! The consensus was it tasted much like marshmallow fluff and was perfect as clouds on top of our rainbows.

Birthday girl and her cupcake

Although Trinity LOVED the cake and couldn’t wait to get her hands on a cupcake, once the plastic shapes were removed and she saw that candles and was told to blow them out she was absolutely NOT having any of that! I am not sure if the candles scared her or everyone wanting her to blow them out but she was NOT impressed.

Birthday girl (note the eying of the cupcakes instead of the camera)

The presents were soooo exciting. She got a variety of Hello Kitty items as well as some Barbies, and clothing. So the evening and most of today was spent packing up, unpacking and playing with said new toys. I am going to have to crawl around on my hands and knees looking under EVERYTHING when we go to vacuum next!!

Opening presents

We had Kathy, Esther, Ted and Sean stay the night so while Ken took the boys and Emanuel to Sunday School I got in some quality visiting time. The boys apparently had a BLAST at Sunday School today and next week are a part of the palm procession for Palm Sunday. So, most likely that means taking the whole family next week or at the very least Ken video taping it for us.

Handprint sheep magnets

Emanuel and his binoculars (post Church clothes)

I honestly can say I have had one of my best weekend for the year 2011 to date. We saw friends we had not seen in quite some time… had some great food, the kids had friends to play with, Trinity was a wonderful and pretty birthday girl, and in the end on Sunday afternoon I got a nap! Kathy spoiled the boys with a new cash register. We have one already but it is much more the calculator, serious thing and not nearly as grocery store fun for ALL the kids sort of thing as this one! I think tomorrow we will start our day with playing around with the money and cards and just seeing how it works, then talking about money and how the different coins and bills work. We have collected 400 shiny pennies thanks to Ted and Karyn to show the kids how much a dollar really is.

Note the CANADIAN currency!

Echo is a lot happier now that we are back to basically immediate family. Though I was AMAZED at how well she went from person to person and dealt with the noise and chaos. We’ve had a couple decent naps today already and she is a chattering, smiling baby today. We had our very first Mum Mum cookies yesterday and she LOVED it. So far she has not had the reaction to the sugar content that Trinity had.

First cookie

Add to the excitement the fact that we are going to move in June and the kids are on one great big rollercoaster. Zander is STILL sure he DOESN’T want to move – doesn’t want to leave our church… Trinity doesn’t want ANYONE touching HER stuff (which makes packing it an adventure) and Gavin and Emanuel are VERY concerned we don’t move TOO far from GRANDMA. That last one is actually not a worry – we will not be all that much further from her, just in a different direction. I think I am the most excited about the whole thing. (well along with Karyn)

OH – Fat Sheep was in the thick of things at the party as well! She is now back at her home with Karyn, the kids are already missing her BUT we DO have Petite Sheepette to adventure with in her place. It has been fun having here her to play with and blog about. I am sure her adventures will continue now that she is home safe and sound.

Fat Sheep checking out the presents

Now if we could just get the kids down off their post party, cake and company high and back to the reality that is Monday. And of course there is the removal of all the balloons, collection of the kitties and general cleaning to do.

Colouring Kitties with Aunty Kathy

2 thoughts on “Birthday Party Weekend

  1. Looks like everyone had a great time especially the birthday girl and now you have to clean up.

  2. Pretty much 🙂 We got all the balloons and kitties down now it is time to catch up on laundry and general cleaning!

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