The Question of Echo and Other Thoughts of Interest

Before I start my original post I figure I will relay what happened at the END of our day. Public Health had had some concerns (as have we, as I am sure anyone close to us knows) with Echo’s weight gain. I personally have called Health Links, La Leche League, had her taken in to see our new doctor’s office twice who came up with the add fortifier to her cereal plan. The intention was to have her come back in TWO months (aka MAY) but with Public Health pushing its concern we moved up our appointment to today. (In fact Ken ran both girls into the walk in clinic in our doctor’s office the day we found out about the PH’s further concerns.) When we took her in for her 6 month shots finally the nurses all said she looked/acted/seemed healthy. (frustrating after the big – how dare you have a tiny child came right out of PH)

So today was our earlier than originally planned follow up on the adding of fortifier – she HAS gained weight but not the large amount adding something that is basically formula to that much food (she eats TONS seriously) would typically cause. Her height is great, her head measurements arcing nicely, she is right on the mark when it comes to hitting her milestones. In fact, over the past week she has been doing everything and anything she can to amaze and astound us. In fact the only thing the doctor felt any need to show concern over was her WEIGHT.

This has confused all of us as we have followed all suggestions – first adding cereal to her menu when while breastfeeding she was not gaining, then adding fortifier to that cereal and then the finger foods to that – cookies and more recently puffed wheat. None of this has caused a huge change though she is now right around 11 lbs (according to the doctor). This is a lovely gain for our littlest Reinsch-Johnson who was stuck at right around 9 lbs for what seemed like forever. This has left the doctor with a very limited selection of suggestions… one in fact – genetic testing.

What will they be testing for specifically you may ask… well… the only suggestion the doctor could come up with was Silver-Russell Syndrome. Also called Silver-Russell Dwarfism. Very recently they have found better ways to test for this. It can be a very mild form of dwarfism with her just being VERY petite… basically they can eat and eat and eat and cannot break down the protein in the food enough to gain weight. There are treatments and it can be very severe all the way to very mild… this is NOT to say she HAS this but it is the last thing he can think of to test for.

The doctor thinks we have done everything right and that we will either rule this out or find out it is what she has. Either way an answer will be found. To clear up everything we just have to make it to the appointments set up by our doctor… well OF COURSE WE WILL! So the next time you see our darling Echo, a statement like “why is she so thin?” or “so tiny does she eat anything?” or “will she ever get bigger?” are not overly appreciated. BUT, no matter what, if she has this or not we will love our Echo with all our hearts… after all she is OUR Pixie. And again this is in no way to say that this IS what she has but it is the last idea the doctor could come up with. Either that or she is just a tiny little girl…

Our Pixie

Day one without Gavin and already Zander is bemoaning he who “was his bestfriend”… funny how I can’t quite convince him he STILL IS! We have had some lonely tears, some sullen moments and a bit of stubborn refusal to do what Mommy wanted. Eventually hurt feelings were soothed and we were able to get down to business – workbooks, beading, hanging out and of course watching Cyberchase.

Hard at work on his book

Zander actually beaded a bracelet for himself and for Gavin. He figured that Gavin could use something special to come home to after his visit with Grandma.

Finished bracelets

Trinity and Emanuel worked together using old worksheets to make a lovely beach picture. I love it when they can spend time without arguing and come out of with some sort of finished product.

Working together

Echo has completely fallen in love with the puffed wheat… which has re-awakened the love of it in everyone under the age of 8 in the house. So there is quite the competition over the left overs. Thankfully it is an affordable snack so no problem in letting them have their own bowl full. Though I do have to watch Trinity when she is helping Echo eat… apparently she thinks Echo likes A LOT at once!

The progress on the dress has been great. I spent significant hours on the ribbon stitching it onto the bodice… I just love the little ice cream cones. The next step is to add some brown and pink patterned ribbon to match the headband I will be also starting tonight. I am honestly hoping to find some more old dresses to refurbish. This is just too much fun!


The tooth fairie did visit Zander last night – and left him a TOONIE! He has decided he wants to go get a Kinder Surprise egg… something that just happens to be in WALKING DISTANCE from the McDonalds we are going to on Sunday! Go team!

Tooth and toonie

So it has been quite the day for our family. According to mom Gavin is having a great time with her, Zander is missing Gavin dreadfully but totally being the big brother of the house looking after everyone. I have come to the realization that though the van is NOT happy we can fill our time with fun at home. Tomorrow is cupcake day, as well as a walk to the park… Ken is going to go the block or two to get me icing sugar for our cupcakes and Ted is here until he gets bored and catches a bus home. A good friend, loving family and plans for the weekend. Life certainly is not all that bad!

Hanging with the big boys!

4 thoughts on “The Question of Echo and Other Thoughts of Interest

  1. The dress looks great. Pray that you find out what is going on with Echo, she may just be a small child, she will adapt.

  2. Thanks Emily. I just want to add some tiny bows on the shoulders, and get the headband done. It is with mixed feelings we are waiting on our testing date. If we find out this is what she has – well we deal with that but have an answer… if we find out she DOESN’T have this then she is just small and we have to deal with that… thank you so much for your prayers, I think I need as many as I can get 🙂

  3. I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA. Thank you for drawing my attention to this post. I hope you and your family are well, happy birthday to Trinity, and I will hop on MSN soon <3

  4. Happy Birthday to Quinn too!!!! Hoping to get the stocking out the door soon 🙂 We must have a nice long chat!

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