If I Said Our House is Chaotic Would You Be Surprised?

Tuesday, hm nothing spectacular about Tuesdays lately. School work, playing outside, cleaning, fussy Echo (ok that is a little new but she has been fighting naps the past few days). BUT that can always change of course.

Gavin and I got to work today and using half a small box, some left over fabric, needle and thread and a bit of packing tape made a bed and pillow for his diorama. Ken and Gavin are in charge of the little dresser he wants (made out of the other half of the little box) and then we have to put our windows, pictures and door up… after that Gavin needs to take a peek at what is there and decide what ELSE to put in. I am looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.

Stitching the pillow

Completed bed

Trinity posed for a few photos for me today in her summer hat and Tinkerbell shirt. I am still short TWO baseball caps… I put them away… can you see where this is going? And in the mess of packing have forgotten entirely what container I put them in and where that container went. So another treasure hunt tonight. Ken is going to take the basement and I am going to search the upstairs.

With hat


We had the baby bath in the livingroom today, much more fun for the kids – letting them help with the bath. Well more TRINITY who was rather certain that she is NOT a big girl and thus should fit in the tub. Nice try!

In the tub

With the basement taken care of last night (well the kids’ stuff… that leaves Ken’s) we are focusing next on the backyard and the kids’ toys. They basically LIVE in the backyard right now so the question is how much can we pack before we have a mutiny?

Searching the lawn

We worked some more on our months and days of the week but most of our time was spent with Gavin’s bed and then working on finishing our wordsearch/word sort with the twins together. I am hoping to finish the last of my worksheets tomorrow and then let the boys direct some activities.

I know both Ken and myself are feeling a little worn out… so much to be done, the kids to keep up with and of course the day to day stuff to deal with. Sometimes it feels like you need 3 of yourself just to make it through the day. I am looking forward to walking into our new home with the intention of being organized from the start. When we moved in here it was before the twins started homeschooling and we just sort of arranged things as best we could as they grew up. This time I have the chance to create a space, to BE organized.

A sign of spring

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