Ending the Week as Busy as We Can

So I faced a mutiny today – the kids were solidly united AGAINST the idea of going to a doctor’s office where Zander predicted they would NOT be allowed to play toys (generally correct as fewer offices have toys nowadays AND with our 4 kids we often are just too many for the toy area, especially if there is other kids there). I had, when the nurse called to schedule this appointment in the first place, inquired as to whether or not there would be a problem if I stayed home with the kids as we did NOT have a sitter and DO have a large family. She was more than fine with that, stating that as long as Ken came with knowledge of Echo’s habits and our family that would be just fine.

What amazes me is how many people scoff at my NOT going to an appointment, how I am letting the family down and shouldn’t leave Ken in charge… how many Mommies go to the appointments solo? Do all of the scheduling? Ensure information is passed along? I wonder if stay-at-home dad’s face that sort of prejudice on a regular basis… because Ken is VERY capable of sitting through an appointment and sharing the information required.

After a somewhat lengthy appointment (well not by a specialist paediatrician’s standards but still) we have some things to deal with. The doctor heard a heart murmur. This is not the end of the world as after all Emanuel has one that is not needing medical treatment. The doctor was surprised our other doctor hadn’t heard it but then again last appointment Ken says she was SCREAMING at the doctor. So the plan for that is to have a chest x-ray and ecg. Then, to deal with the potential reasons behind the weight issue – blood work, one set specifically dealing with thyroid.

She was quite impressed by Echo’s development (spot on) and her proportions (perfect). There was no other issues that needed dealing (of course the tests are a big thing but still). She was wondering when we could get the tests done, and with Ken already gone well over an hour and my needing to leave with Chris she was fine with us waiting until after the long weekend. Just to ensure that the heart murmur was not an EMERGENCY situation she checked Echo’s blood/oxygen level. 99/100 so absolutely wonderful. If she had had low levels they would have kept her there overnight but there was no current concerns. So the plan is to head over to the university hospital where her specialist is on Tuesday and spend as much time as needed going to the 3 different clinics to get all her testing done in one shot.

Our specialist is going on vacation now for 2 weeks but has promised to have one of the other doctors up to date to review all results in a timely manner. Step by step. We are to keep our August appointment with the regular paediatrician for now (as if she doesn’t have any major concerns it is best to not have her on the specialist’s roster) and go back to this doctor mid July.

Apparently there was a student doctor there that Ken spent most of his time with, the poor man got peed all over when doing his assessment of her stomach etc. And of course, with how all over the place we are right now (and the earliness of the appointment) Ken left the house WITHOUT the diaper bag, something he did not realize until he went to strip her down for weighing (according to their scale 12 lbs). Thankfully they HAD diapers… size FOUR! ack! She is only a size 1 if you are lucky and of course wearing her cloth set. The nurse helping weigh had a little giggle I guess.

So she wowed the office with her dainty beauty and was suitably sweet and wonderful to win over her doctor. All in all Ken was gone almost 3 hours, he got home in time for me to breastfeed the baby and change her into a diaper that actually FIT before Chris (she) got here.

Our Sweet Pea

After two days of consistent excitement what else could I do but continue with the theme? After all who am I to rock the boat? (stop that snickering Ken) So instead of setting up a whole ream of homeschooling stuff for the boys to do in my absence I made sure to leave them their craft bucket, bike helmets, and the reminder that they need to play nice together. Time just keeps getting away from me, we have a house full of boxes, children starting to react to the chaos and our own frustrations are making it difficult to have our usual organized chaos. The mosquitoes out in droves are NOT helping matters either. Which is a shame as the weather has been perfect for outside play… the bugs have not.

Chris (she) and I ended up with TWO of the children as a last minute decision. Echo and Trinity were along for the ride. We then proceeded to spoil Trinity rotten… first her very first iced cap from Tim Hortons made with chocolate milk and 5 Tim bits. Then A&W and on the way home a lemonade.

Tim Hortons


Echo with her A&W toast

Lemonade on the ride home

We started with the venue for the wedding, measuring and discussing ideas. We are thinking – lots of balloons!

Time to measure the venue

Where the headtable will go?

Chris picked up each of the girls a teddy – pink kitty for Trinity, Tigger for Echo when we visited Grandma.

From Aunty Chris

We also got to talk with her co-worker Wendy who knows all about Russell-Silver syndrome! Echo thought she was rather nice!

Getting to know Wendy, I took the picture one second too late to get them both snuggling. Boo


I caved at the balloon place and got Trinity a Hello Kitty toy. She was such a well behaved little girl after all!

Yes, Mommy is weak

I ran briefly into my favourite baby store and picked up another washable liner for Echo and the next size up swim pant for Trinity. I love these, only around 7.00 and reusable, much better than the disposable option.

Baby store booty

We got home around 6 in time for Ken to finish baking and head out with Sean to get the furniture and other kid items we were exchanging our cookies for. We had to use Sean’s vehicle, ours going in for repairs is put off until after Tuesday’s tests of course. I feel very blessed that she was willing to exchange all these lovely things for cookies which we enjoy making anyway!

The kids are all wound up though, Ken took the boys on a walk to the gas station while we were gone for super treats. And then there was the playing, the craziness that comes with no Mommy there. Zander made himself a rather interesting block structure.

Block structure

This weekend is completely a cleaning weekend. We have to empty out the heavy pieces in the basement since Sean AND Ted are here to help. We have desks down there, Echo’s crib… it will make it much easier to finish up the basement. There is the lawn to be mowed, some bottles to be taken to the depot and a multitude of other things to complete.

That is where something exciting comes up – at 3pm tomorrow Fydo is going to look at a very promising rental for us. It is a 4 bedroom half of a duplex. A rather large duplex it sounds like. So keep your fingers crossed for us please!

Tonight the guys are here… I am resting and of course my cross stitch is calling… so I will answer!

Practicing standing on Daddy

This entry was posted on 20/05/2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment

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