Victoria Day

It was a rainy, overcast Victoria Day and this morning Ken had the kids well in hand so I curled back up into a warm little ball in our lovely fuzzy blanket and had a sleep in. I do so love the sound of rain on the roof. That did put a bit of a stop on the moving of stuff out of the basement and into the garage though until it passed. Thankfully Ken had Ted over today to help out which has sped along the progress. As you can see the apple trees have finally bloomed. I am going to miss the tree and the raspberry plants.

Our damp backyard

I have to admit a certain amount of amazement at the amount of stuff there really IS in the house. And to add to the excitement the owner coming by with a contractor to peek at the basement… the kids are just not exactly anywhere NEAR perfect angels. BUT  we are looking at a rental that, once we meet them next weekend, could be ours! Ken has had some email conversation with them and they just want to meet us and discuss the deposit. So… we keep looking (just in case) and sort everything out here for the 1st and stay positive. Ken is feeling pretty good about it.

I finished a bit more of the stocking… I am working on the heel right now!


Our Miss E is facing a whole battery of tests tomorrow… I have a bag of brand new crayons, paper and some easy to read books ready for the bigger kids and will probably bring along our old church toy bag. I have no idea how quickly these tests will be done. BUT it will be an adventure! As usual please keep us in mind over tomorrow… I am sure she will be ok but at the same time there is that little niggle of fear!

Trinity making sure Echo gets her treats (she only ate ONE herself after all)

Now to take some time to rest, relax and attempt to think positive thoughts!

Gavin and his pictoral representation of the game Minecraft

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