Visiting with the den Otters

Another overcast day, another day of cranky kids… Echo seemed to be suffering from some lingering upset due to yesterday’s testing, and I can’t blame her. So we have had lots of cuddles, some extra snacks and lots of compassion. No calls from the hospital means the results cannot be ALL bad and I have to admit I am somewhat clinging to that. I still feel like I have been on a rollercoaster ride and am just getting off (and I HATE rollercoasters).

We have started packing some soft bags and backpacks with some non-essential but useful items to store at Karyn’s until the 1st. It amazes me how much clothing Echo has but yet can still be short on certain pieces (ie. sleepers). There are some bags I had packed over a month ago with toys in them that we will cram in a corner of the van for Sunday as well. That way (best case scenario) we have some extra things when we move on the first. The actual move can’t be until the following weekend as most everyone works a regular week day job. On the same weekend (I think the Sunday) it looks like Ted will be moving into his new condo as well! So it is going to be a busy weekend!

We went on to chapter two today with our chapter book. This chapter was about the swans coming and finding a place to make their nest. Instead of just having them illustrate this time they also had to write out 2 sentences about what was in the story. You can definitely tell who enjoys the assignment more and which parts. Though I am impressed by BOTH boys’ printing skills. And their recall for details in the chapter is improving (well after I had a talk with them about their increasingly frustrating behaviour… which is understandable with the chaos here in regards to moving but in no way ok).

Working on their Chapter 2 assignment


We got a call from the paediatric cardiologist today as well. Our new doctor simply does not want to leave the issue to her expertise but instead wants us to follow up with someone who specializes in the heart. So there was a minute of panic in this mother’s heart before Ken explained to me about the phone call. We have the ringer off in the afternoons and since we don’t have voice mail we depend on people either calling back or us calling them back during that period of time. So Ken had called back. So I guess we will be back to the city in July for this appointment as well! AND it could take up to FOUR hours!!! WOW!

With the horrible weather we compromised with the twins and after some decent behaviour allowed them to walk with Ken to the nearby Wholesale place. They were rather proud of themselves helping pick out dinner AND carry it home. Properly sweatered and bug sprayed first of course!

Home from the grocery store

We had welcome visitors today – the den Otter kids! Xinny was planning on picking up Alan after work and we are in the middle between his work and their house. Since the visit was rather short to begin with she left the two bigger kids here to go get Alan and then return to have supper here. This has reminded me that we are NOT moving the old drums the boys have (they ARE falling apart after all) and that 2 more kids DO increase the excitement and sound BUT that means all the more joy too! It is tough for them to understand that after this visits with Isabella and Alexander are going to have to be much better planned out as we will be 1 1/2 hours away.

Playing in the boys' room

Alexander and Echo


I have seen pictures of my sister’s wedding. It was lovely! I snuck one off of Facebook to share and brag about here!

See my dad looking all suave and sophisticated there on the left side???

So guests well into the early evening, baby feeling the left over frustration of a difficult day and yours truly feeling the strong urge for a little cry… of course that left me a little stitching time to sooth the soul. So much purple right now!

Toe in progress

Well back to stitching and online gaming… anything to sooth the mind for a bit!

Smiles for the camera

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