One Week in Our New Home

We are coming to the end of our first week in the new house. Areas are clean… tv unearthed in the basement… kids starting to get used to the space. Just not a whole lot of city exploring going on. That is NEXT week (around my suddenly busy schedule though).

I came across a dress my mom found for me for Trinity. It is a lovely shade of green with a wonderful look to it… all except the bit on the back where someone must of foolishly tried to IRON it! So now I have to sit down and consider how to hide the melted mark. I was toying with button flowers but they may not be all the comfortable for her to sit and lean back in. Maybe just an offset bow in matching colours on the spot and then something on the band across the middle?? I really need to get to Michaels or Walmart and sift through ribbons. I do love a crafting challenge! And I have already hunted down the container with the bulk of my ribbons, I just don’t think I have the right colours.

Front of the dress

The damaged area

I think Ken, myself and Echo are getting over a little bug. Poor Echo has been a sleepy baby today BUT she has been practising her standing and creeping around keeping me on my toes.

We finally got enough cleaned up to take out the Play Doh. It is an iffy thing having it out with stuff all over but the kids have been so bored… It amazes me how even though they are TOLD to keep it ON the table it always manages to make its way to the floor.

A birthday cake!

We did our next chapter in our book… today Louis managed to find his human friend Sam AND got into school! Intrepid!

Completed pictures

I took some time for myself today and put needle to aida cloth and got some more done on the stocking… I am hoping to get the pink and purple lines done by the end of the weekend… and hope Ken will be done at least one of the characters that go in them before I head out with my cousin on Tuesday.

today's work

I spent some time putting up a few Kijiji ads. The boys have a surplus of dress shirts, Emanuel especially so I figured why not put them up at 5.00 a piece? They are still pinned up as they were sold and 2 of the 3 are in the original bags. I know I have a box set aside of stuff I want to put up as well… the trick is to FIND the box! I want to sell off enough stuff to cover the cost of a new pool for the kids or some hats for Echo (I am having a horrible time finding ANYTHING that fits on her head that Trinity used to wear, she is just so tiny).

We took Echo outside today for her first grass experience… she didn’t seem to mind it. I did find ONE hat that mostly fit, a bonnet.

Grass on the toes

Yelling at the grass for no apparent reason

Hanging with her big sister

The kids ran wild while Ken bbq’ed, we tried dinner outside but the mosquitoes were viscous.

Our table is too small!

Ken at the bbq

Ken did get a start on the playset though. We are really working to make this place as much fun as our old place if not more! They are already realizing how much fun our upstairs is with the lovely open concept and an area already sorted with their books, games and educational items!

They were running around him in a big circle screaming

So tonight I get in a visit with Karyn, a slurpee and hopefully 5 sleeping kids. At least that is the plan…

Bonding over crackers in the sunlight

4 thoughts on “One Week in Our New Home

  1. I will look into what our plans are for the weekend 🙂 I am pretty sure we will be home! I will let you know as soon as I can.

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