Ending the Weekend With Friends and Good Food

So the weather turned against our personal plans today… Sunny morning up until we were in the process of packing up our things to meet Kristen and Fydo at a park for a bit of fun and snacks. And then the thunderstorm warning AND predicted hail certainly ended those plans! So frustrating.

BUT we dug out a variety of craft supplies at different “stations” in the upstairs and let the kids go at it. Everything from markers to beads to the outside craft bucket drug out. And then we went to Superstore as a family to get some groceries, some medication for Trinity’s bug bites and spy out the pretty shiny shoes that Trinity now wants the PINK ones!

Trinity and her marker picture

Emanuel and a craft box

The weather DID improve but not soon enough as I had dinner plans with friends… Karyn, Lauralee, Kristen and I all went out to an Indian restaurant for dinner. It was Kristen and my first time trying it out and it was total yum! We had to take Echo with (Ken had gaming time) but she managed to keep occupied (with the help of a little buttered naan bread) in her carseat. The food was total yum and the company terrific!


Echo in the carseat

After dinner was a run to the grocery store for Lauralee and Karyn (though Karyn is off to Alaska Tuesday evening) and then a stop over to meet Lauralee’s kitties. Sadly no pictures but they were as interested in Echo as she was in them! I have to say getting out with friends LOCALLY has been so much fun! And this week there is the card making party to attend! I am currently trying to sort out a cousinly bbq with my maternal side cousins!

I have started the search for a local homeschooling community. I have applied to join a yahoo egroup, and put a comment on my Facebook with the hope that SOMEONE will know of a group or association. I want to put down roots!

So, I took the plunge and did up Trinity’s hairbow for her wedding ensemble. I used the ribbons my mom gave me from the making of the dress. I hope it is pretty enough but it was fun to use the strings of gold coloured beads. That leaves Echo’s to be done. I am undecided about the ribbons as hers has to be attached to the headband instead of a barrette.


OH the blue stacked bow I did up from those random ribbons, finished that one too!!!

I do love blue

This has been an amazing weekend with a wonderful ending. Friends, good food, kitties and lots of visiting. Except for poor Trinity’s ankle (which is finally not as swelled) and the camera’s poor limping self it has been AMAZING (ok rain has not been the best but we worked around it). Now back to school work, tidying and sorting of stuff… Happy Independence Day to those of you in the US!!!

A summery Echo

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