Sharing Our Gifts

Ok, so time to start with the prezzies… First off Trinity – well she got a sweet Alaska t-shirt in the always a hit pink (apparently Hello Kitty does not venture so far north on THIS continent).

Miss T


Emanuel was over the moon with his new hat – from when Karyn and her folks were on a train (I got to see a few of the pictures taken from the train ride – amazing). Emanuel does love a good hat.

Hats rock


The twins each got a sticker (more a decal) and either a pin or zipper pull. We are going to put those on their fall coats. They were very pleased as well.

Train themed and all


Echo got spoiled with a PINK mini sock monkey (instant hit with its yarn hair, a real giggle inducer) and a sweet little outfit (note the slogan!).

A PINK sock monkey

Here's hoping she can become a lovely Social Butterfly


Ken got a shot glass and some bbq sauce – yup that IS a beer bottle it is in and with good reason.

Shot glass

Totally bbq sauce


I am only going to share ONE of my gifts today (the other will have to wait until Saturday), a t-shirt. A great gift for me, I am finally done going through my clothes and sifting through them. I have had to downsize by a whole garbage bag for various reasons. Always a little sad to have to give some favourite pieces up.

Isn't it cute?


So we got spoiled, sadly I do NOT have a picture of Lauralee’s new llama. Just trust me, it is ADORABLE! And most likely WILL appear on Fat Sheep’s site eventually. In fact, very shortly Fat Sheep’s blog should become VERY busy. There is lots to share from Fat Sheep AND her extended family.

I have been thinking lately (as Ken starts running for the hills), I find it rather incredible how different it feels here in our new home. And I don’t think it is just that we have walls a colour I enjoy or a basement we can utilize in its entirety. We haven’t entirely put down homeschooling roots but I have made the first steps. My interest in crafting has been renewed starting with making some cards (I will share those AFTER they are given). The kids are becoming more and more excited about things… even stuff like learning their words are more exciting and sought after. I wonder why exactly this is. I know that a lot of our big worries and concerns (financial, health or otherwise) still exist and are NOT being ignored but it feels more… conquerable.

I can honestly say I don’t feel as stressed as I did. I have tossed out things we kept for years for some unknown reason as well as found items I had been hunting for as long. We have started at our new place with homeschooling in mind. Educational objects all over the place at KID level. I feel more in control of their schooling when I can say – go on pick something out of the game box and let them at it instead of having to stop everything and dig things out. While I can’t say we are in our forever home we ARE happy here and that is amazing!

So today was a reading day with another chapter of our novel done and some more sight word work. But we were relatively lazy. I loaded up Starfall and had them rotate turns while one of the non players sat with Echo which freed me up for a little doze on the couch. This cold just won’t let go of me, today it was sinus combined with a sore jaw (I think I was clenching it last night for some unknown reason!).

Another chapter

I ducked out with Kristen, Fydo and Karyn and went to a craft garage sale. There was tons to be tempted by but I narrowed it down to 3 spools of ribbon and some Christmas themed fabric (I couldn’t turn it down for only 1.50).

My garage sale haul

After that success Karyn and I ran out to take advantage of my birthday money. First to Winners for sunglasses and a shirt and then across the parking lot to Old Navy for two skirts. Pretty much everything was on sale. I always have the best luck shopping with Karyn. She even found a few cute pieces at Old Navy for herself. They had some sort of spin to win thing and we each got buy one, get one half off. Which included our sale items. BONUS! I am so thankful to Ken’s parents for their sweet gift! Though I have to admit I always find it hard to spend it just on myself… I did creep over the kids’ sections at each store but I managed to NOT buy anything.

So a great ending to the day. Although the rain did not help. Time just zips by so quickly no matter what I do, and I have so many things I want to do. I think next week I will have to make a little bit of crafting my focus. I have pictures waiting for me at Best Buy… which means time to focus on scrapbooking once again! YAY!

Echo's other headband... totally click my Hooked on You link on the right!!!

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