A Final Visit With a Beloved Doctor and the Girly Day For Those Who Stayed Behind

Terminology can be a tricky thing. Last night I had to have a talk with Ken about specific terms and their relationship to our Echo. He has, in the past, referred to her being small as it being “something wrong with her”. A simplification and easier when dealing with strangers, granted, but not the words I would like him to use. Let’s consider her siblings… they are already concerned about her having to have surgery however minor (we are all to some extent, mind you) and I have explained that to them as a situation where Echo has something extra – that extra tricky little vein. Now for them to hear DADDY saying there is something WRONG with their darling baby sister, well it has them all concerned all over again. I am not saying that there IS nothing wrong but terminology! Instead of Echo imagine it is Gavin or even Trinity who is the tiny pixie… now imagine them overhearing their Daddy saying there is something wrong with them… something broken… in such loose terms. How would that affect their self esteem? Their confidence? Echo may be only nearly a year (where has the time gone?) but I, personally, do not see her shooting up and plumping out instantly. She is most likely going to be a tiny thing, at least in comparison, for a long time and I figure now is as good a time as any to condition our family at least to NOT use such broad and potentially emotionally damaging terms. Regardless of what the 22nd (genetics) comes up with and the later surgery does beyond correcting the vein I want her and our family to realize what I already know – she is Echo Serenity Reinsch-Johnson, our beloved 5th child, perfect for us and our family… healthy, happy, and amazingly perfect. The rest is just fluff and bother (ok except the heart thing but even that is not slowing her down!).

Miss E

So the boys and Ken headed off a bit earlier than they needed to to get directly to the appointments so as to give themselves some errand time here in town first. Of course there was just enough time for the boys to do their morning tidy… well most of it. Leaving me with 3 less kids and a little more time. Of course their leaving coincided (happily) with the start of Echo’s nap so all other thoughts beyond a soak in the tub went out the window. Trinity was quite accommodating and kept her messes (though numerous) in controlled piles. Though she was in the bathroom every 2-5 min  to tell or show me something. We do get bored without our menfolk! There was a decent distraction in the form of a print out from the education.com site – in the preschool worksheets section. 


I spent much of early afternoon sorting out some more books and posting them on Kijiji and moving the things around the livingroom to sweep as best I can. Echo does create the need to sweep in a nearly minute by minute basis. There are a few boxes left up here awaiting room in the basement closets but other than that we are looking at an upstairs to be proud of. We have wired up curtains temporarily in Trinity and Emanuel’s room so far and hope to have actual rods up as soon as we can. Budget can be a pain.

As it was a girls’ only day we had to celebrate with a walk to the convenience store and TWO slurpees! But first, pictures in front of the tree… though Echo was too busy with her bread (fresh from the breadmaker this morning) and her wee bit too large bonnet to pay attention to something as trivial as a camera.

In front of the tree

Slurpees are an addiction to the two older girls in the house… Trinity was quick to point out it was important for her to get the slurpee closest to pink, in this case a lovely purple that matched not only her dress but her sunglasses as well! I have to say as much as I love a good 7-11 slurpee these Centex stock a great one as well. Two slurpees and 50 cents in nickel candies (does anyone else remember when you could get PENNY candies like I do???) later and we were ready to much more slowly truck back. Lid integrity was tested and passed with flying colours TWICE on our walk home (3 yr olds are not exactly walk carefully sort of people), we saw a white butterfly and enjoyed the sunshine. Oh, a side note, but on the way TO the store Trinity informed me that dogs go bark bark and that that noise is ANNOYING as is the bus that rumbled by. The things you learn on a walk!

In front of the store

Echo’s being awake does greatly hamper my cleaning BUT I have been alerted to, and actually experienced myself, a new milestone – Miss Echo has been very definitely pointing at things. It is very clear and concise and exciting! Ken says he also saw her pick up and hug the little dolly we have for her in the tv room that has bell in it. He said it was utterly adorable and I am greatly looking forward to seeing it for myself!

I managed to get more books posted and SOLD for that matter, on Kijiji today. I am hoping that if we downsize all these no longer beloved books I can justify buying more! Or some other family related thing. I still cringe when I look back at all the hardcovers we purchased in university and how expensive they were (around 35.00 or more a piece!) and I am only selling them at 5.00 a piece now… or less if the person buys a whole series. CRAZY and lesson learned! Though I have kept some choice hardcovers, I must admit!

Trinity and I made time for sugar cookie baking of course! Though we barely made a dent in my double batch of dough. Today’s cookie shapes of choice – elephant and bear (one of Karyn’s IKEA cutters that she has to pick up and take home next visit). It is just too warm today to do much baking but I promised her cookies!

Cutting elephants

A few are a bit crispy

So while we didn’t really get a whole ton done visibly we did keep busy! The boys came home happy but slightly whiny and all were sent to bed by 8pm. Tomorrow the plan is to get back in on the school stuff… nothing too strenuous but we will try our best to keep busy for the last day and a half before Nana and Baba get here! 

Ken and the boys had an equally good day it seems. The doctor was very happy with all 3 boys – no surprises, right on track. Supporting our homeschooling, and impressed by their lack of bug bites! We are not being sent to another paediatrician, she suggested a family doctor unless there are issues. And she really did not foresee any. She has been such a lovely doctor, so supportive and understanding so having to move on is hard for us! But she has agreed to send along our information to the new family doctor that is local to us, I just need to call in!

Waiting patiently

More waiting

And with that it is back to work… only 2 nights to go before we are overrun with Johnsons, well more so!

Fashionable and cool

4 thoughts on “A Final Visit With a Beloved Doctor and the Girly Day For Those Who Stayed Behind

  1. Girl time is great, glad the girls got their slur-pees. Have you tried using petite if reference to Echo’s size?? She is such a dear.

  2. It was fun but we did miss our boys… we are so used to having them ALL home that when they are not… well I just don’t know what we would do if they were in school lol.

    I do myself call her petite and that is actually what the boys’ paediatrician called just from Ken explaining what is going on. She said petite as she is in proportion – so that is a good indication that it COULD be natural for her to be this size and that is that!

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