Extension of….

Last night was a crafting night… a late night as well but that is ok. When one gets in the crafting zone sometimes time just slips away. On the HUGE plus side, Echo’s birthday outfit – well the special one I have made (not sure how long it will remain on her on her big day as it is more of a photo op dress than anything) is completed with the final touches to her special hair thing. I am looking forward to making more of these adorable little puffs for the girls. Maybe add them to the Christmas craft list for the little ones? I can hear Ken groaning from here about the tulle… he is the best in the house at cutting tulle after all.

All ready to go

Then there was the requested hairthing for Trinity. I had picked up 3 skeins of 5/8th ribbon at a garage sale ages ago so I let her choose the one she wanted and made one right up for her for tomorrow. It was crucial as she is very upset with me for NOT making her an “ice cream dress” like Echo has. I wonder if you remember, way back at Easter, the Kijiji dress I altered for Echo? Well I brought it out of the closet with the thought of putting it on Echo and then the opportunity passed due to nasty rainy weather. My mom has saved some pillowcases to make new dresses for the girls so I am going to send over the spare skein of ribbon I bought that matches this dress. (thank goodness I did! I already have a stacked bow barrette done so after the dress is made Miss T is all set!)

Finished as requested

And she loved it

I also got another of my Christmas bows made… and after talking online with Cousin Veronika, am thoroughly convinced that Trinity needs something called a Bow Board for her room… Echo too, for that matter! It looks deliciously easy to make and the only thing I was sure I didn’t have on hand or couldn’t get from my mom’s craft stash was the canvases.

We had a bit of a meltdown this morning in the form of a child being TOO helpful. We were tidying the upstairs and Emanuel got over zealous and tidied up Zander’s puzzle project. It took hugs from Mommy AND Daddy to make it all better. Zander was not devastated as they weren’t too far along but it was a bit of an OOPS moment. 

Making up for lost time once Cousin Veronika got there!

We continued our puzzle time and Emanuel’s dinosaur pictures but that was about it in regards to schooling today… WAY too excited about Nana and Baba getting here. And of course the weather worked AGAINST me with more rain and lots of mosquitoes.


BUT come lunchtime and Cousin Veronika was here! We had enough time before we had to get down to business to run out and do a few errands. First was Staples to purchase some of their under 1.00 items (and a 1.99 glue stick)… all this for 5.55!

Staples haul

…and then Michaels where there just happened to be an AMAZING ribbon sale… some of their more expensive spring themed stock on for 1.00 a skein! Talk about a deal! As much as I hate to say it… stacked bows were considered…


With a final stop off at the mall and Cinzero where Veronika picked up some cinnamon buns and we each got a slush puppy. Which made Ken, who had to stay home with the kids and later keep an eye on them while mine were closed, much happier!


And now for the fun part. Earlier this week Veronika was doing a course on lash extensions and has to do 10 free ones before she can get through her course. Guess who got to be #1? Yours truly!! First was the waiver etc etc (US version so super wordy), then the taping under the eyes to ensure the bottom lashes do not stick to the top ones (VERY important) and then the fun part… over 2 hours of laying back with my EYES CLOSED and resting while someone else does all the work… and Trinity hopped in and out of the room and on and off of the couch and was generally an adorable little pogo ball. 

At work

With an audience

Since my lashes are rather long already the effect was subtle but lovely… and should still look nice for a while, though I doubt I will do the fills… too expensive. I have to say it was so much fun! AND I got an afternoon and right on into the evening of visiting with a dear cousin. 

Karyn came over right after work and after we had supper (spaghetti noms) and sent the kids to watch tv it was her turn to get her extensions done. So much fun!!! 

Karyn's turn

We visited as late as we could and still have Veronika head home at a decent time (over an hour away) and Karyn head to bed (work tomorrow). This allowed me my walk for a slurpee and now it is time to get back to tidying, finishing of craft projects and hopefully, a full night’s sleep… that is the plan at least! 

All done

And Echo for good measure

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