Echo is 1!

So we are into day 2 of our Nana and Baba visit. Ken, his parents and I stayed up for a bit chatting, catching up and baking the necessary cupcakes and cake for the Sunday birthday party. I wanted to be sure they were properly cooled and firm enough to add the purple icing. 24 cupcakes and a 9X13 inch cake and I am hoping I have enough baked goods for Echo’s special day. Oh and the beans are on the soak for their overnight bath before we start our brown beans.

Baked goods

It is hard to believe that today actually marks Echo’s end of her first year of life, and the beginning of her second. Where has the time gone? As Baba says, you look at her and your first thought is that she is NOT a year old, but then she gets moving and there is no doubt. Her Nana and Baba have fallen firmly in love with our perfect little pixie. (As does everyone who meets her)

I didn’t mention it but yesterday in that picture where Trinity is holding the large Hello Kitty she is ALSO wearing the pj’s Nana picked up for her – also Hello Kitty! Aren’t we all well trained?

So there was still a bit of party preparations to be accomplished here… cleaning, lawn work, general stuff… but I am so pleased with this place. The kids have all accepted it as home, I feel proud and more than willing to have people in to visit, and we are settled. I would love some more shelving but that will come in time. I have set up two more sets of books to be picked up with Kijiji adsso that is helping a little… but we really do have more things than organizational containers. By the end of August I hope to be totally sorted out… with Ken’s help of course.


Ken and I were totally spoiled this morning, we got to sleep in! Echo hung out with Nana and Baba though she was up SUPER early thanks to an over excited Emanuel. Ken picked out her morning outfit… surprised? 

With Nana

Yummy breakfast made by Baba proceeded another trip to the park during Echo’s naptime. That gave Ken and myself some time to tidy and get some pre-party planning finalized. I am still working on amazement that Echo is actually a year old!! Ken and I ran out once the whole gang was home and did our shopping solo. We weren’t able to get the purple and black I would have liked but got white instead and some lovely metallic balloons. With the Cricut cut shapes we are set! 

Post park slurpees

With Karyn stopping by for a visit, and to show off her outfit for the wedding (nope not telling) Ken and I ducked out in the freshly mowed (by yours truly) front yard and took some one year photos of Echo with her Petite Sheepette. She was quite obliging actually. The outfit is one of the ones Nana and Baba brought up for her and amazingly enough a 6-9 month size! Though she did get her feet caught in it a few times. With her lovely white bonnet on her Nana blanket the setting was perfect. 

Birthday girl

With Mommy

We spent a bit of time out in the backyard in the late afternoon but Trinity is a wee bit burnt and all the kids over done from their fun at the park. Thankfully Trinity AND Emanuel had a nap this afternoon. BUT tomorrow is going to be just as exciting and busy so I am doubtful they will be had then. 

Hanging with Aunty Karyn

Nana and Baba took some time this afternoon to shop… the best purchase (according to the kids) was sand!! Oh and 2 new shovels. 


We did most of our lawn work tonight, rearranged the livingroom for the party (couch against the fireplace) and just generally tidied. It is so wonderful to have so little to do before a party. At the old place it was rush rush rush just to find a place to put things! We have some company tonight with the rest coming in the afternoon tomorrow. Should be a great day! And now I really should get back to cleaning. Day 2 with Nana and Baba has been eventful and entertaining! 

Father and Son

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