Ending the Week With Friends and Family

Ending a week that begun with so much excitement and visitors is always a bit of a tough one for the kids. Ken and I took some extra time late last night to catch up on the newest season of Haven and have some together time. We have not had much these past two weeks with company over and Ken working so much. So I was up WAY past my bedtime and Ken was kind enough to let me sleep in. Though I woke up to Gavin and Ken having a VERY intense discussion about the necessity of trying to get someone into worse trouble over something  they had already had a time out in. While Zander seems to be rather unworried about getting into trouble for doing as he pleases sometimes (though improving by leaps and bounds), Gavin tends to start chatting himself up in comparison as being so well behaved and generally good. Neither behaviour is very helpful most of the time and so we are trying to work with both of them to realize a middle ground. 

Now back to those boats I mentioned at the end of the previous entry… well while Cousin Veronika and I were waiting for Karyn to get off work the kids were getting rather bored. So I told them to go through our craft supplies and make something, anything that they like. Gavin found a pie plate and decided he was going to make a boat. Well that had Zander interested so he decided to do the same using popsicle sticks and masking tape (interesting choice on his binding agent). Emanuel wanted one too so we tried popsicle sticks with hot glue to attach them (properly decorated of course). This morning Trinity also wanted a boat so we knocked one together that matches Emanuel’s.

The boats

We talked about how it had to be able to float and how there was a possibility that the tape on Zander’s would not work – after all what happens to masking tape when it is wet? And how boats often have masts and sails and how the sail is a triangle. Gavin included pictures of some necessary boat things on the inside of his – a captain, the ship’s wheel and of course a life preserver. Zander named his boat – ON – because everyone had to get ON it. 

Close up of Gavin's

Outside and ready to test our boats

That leaves the most important question – CAN THEY FLOAT? A very serious debate between Gavin and Zander as Gavin was SURE Zander’s wouldn’t work. The end result was that Zander’s tape DID fail… it just took a while… of course Gavin’s pie plate did the best and we did realize that felt sails were NOT the best choice but it was fun! 

Cousin Veronika was there to lend her expertise.

We are planning on taking what we have learned and make NEW boats tomorrow or perhaps later in the week depending on what supplies we can find here at home. 

I snuck Echo out in her new dress (from Victoria) to take another set of pictures in the front yard. I am still trying different clothing and days to try and get her 1 year photo. Of course the box of the photos that go on the wall has still not been hunted down but Ken is optimistic. That is the last step to settling in really – getting those photos back up on the wall! 

So happy!

Tonight was a fun night – game night! BOARDgame night. Kristen and Fydo brought their game Betrayal at House on the Hill and after Veronika finished her hair appointment we played Settlers… with Fat Sheep!! Sheep and wood jokes did ensue. Talk about a terrific ending to a week. Friends, popcorn, slurpees and gaming. 

Fat Sheep and Settlers

Settlers with friends and family

Now to face the weekend – paintballing bachelor party for Ken and church on the Sunday. Then the final countdown to the wedding (next Saturday) and a VERY busy week. Don’t forget Monday is GENETIC TESTING (Ken called to confirm). 

Hmm not sure about this face but CUTE

2 thoughts on “Ending the Week With Friends and Family

  1. Building boats is such fun, and how cool that they learn something too. Glad that you got some needed adult family and friend time.

  2. Thanks 🙂 today they decided to make up a KITE! Not one that will fly overly well but they had fun doing it!

    Oh yes, it is nice to have more people around from time to time! I feel a lot more… grounded 🙂 AND supported

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