Baby Echo Centric Day

And then the camera decides to play nasty tricks on me… but take heart, it still takes pictures that are absolutely lovely… the problem is glaring at ME when I use it… digitals are going more and more to JUST a view screen and that is what this has, and that screen has a glitch… a horrible… horrible black line where the video is NOT working… no instead it bisects some of the menu (one line) and makes a black line on what I am seeing. I have had this camera THREE MONTHS! Ok, so I take MORE pictures than MOST normal people (who ever said we were normal?) but THREE MONTHS! Seriously? Thank goodness I keep packaging with the receipt and the warranty card (not the Best Buy one but the actual manufacturer one year one) with its 1-800 number. I think the world at large is telling me to stop buying little cameras and get myself one that is MEANT for massive picture taking… well it IS good to have a goal, even though it is NOT an easily achievable one. 

So our morning was not as smooth as I would like, but it was SMOOTHER than yesterday. Gavin apparently took initiative and when I got up and mobile and took over for Ken he and I were able to finish the first part of his self designed cross stitch pattern! Watering pot was stitched and ready to go! And then he spent his afternoon with the cherry (that does resemble and upside down flower). Zander has rather lost interest in the stitching (and before he even finished his first project) but Gavin has decided this is his sort of thing. So now with Gavin suitably content with these sorts of ongoing projects it is time to focus on finding something for Zander.

Stitching away

All done!!

Since we could not come to an easy agreement as to who should have first Mommy one on one time this morning and Echo was not in the mood to cooperate on ANY level we had storytime on Emanuel’s bed (seriously mattress on the floor – I am totally seeing how the Japanese style of having a futon on the floor to sleep on is a great idea… Emanuel would LOVE IT if we could clean up his bed and give him his room for the day, our compromise is to get together money and get him a smaller mattress… he doesn’t want a bed though, he likes the floor!) – 3 stories – a counting one with Clifford the Big Red Dog, a retelling of the story of Jonah for kids AND one of our Robert Munsch Collection. 

Story time in Emanuel's room

With Echo to nap and the argument over who should workbook first in full force I called a tie on everyone and declared it – LEGO MORNING! Sadly they wouldn’t let me move the bucket out of the back entry but plopped down right there and went at it! Lego Morning ended with four lovely and independent creations… everything from a little house to a skyscraper. 

Emanuel's house with horse

Trinity's little house

Gavin and his skyscraper

Zander's fancy house

Sadly that was the extent of  true organized time for the family. Days like this with Echo are few and far between but when they hit she is VERY assertive in her need for Mommy and for NO ONE ELSE to be by Mommy at the time. So we made do… quiet time gave the boys some time to sit in their room with their toys and Mommy a chance to eat (carefully timed to coincide with Echo taking one of her brief naps) and then we gave up, lay the baby down and went to the basement to watch the last 3 or 4 episodes of the first season of the (new) Electric Company on Netflix. I am hoping we can find some of the newer seasons online as it really grabbed their attention! 

So much angry baby!

I ran out with Karyn for a much needed break to have snacks and stop in at H&M and get part of Echo’s Christmas presents. I am determined to go on sale for everything if I can! I have an idea for Emanuel that includes the super affordable craft aisle at Michaels too! Trinity is well under control with a drawer full of eBay purchased swag… and the twins… well I will deal with them shortly too! Feels good to have plans!


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