Crafty Day

We tried something different today… I READ them the math questions (of a Christmas theme you can find HERE) and the boys worked on lined paper to write the equations out and then solve them. It was a little slow going but they were both proud of finishing and worked hard to do so! Although working at the same table caused a few moments of stress when one or the other got the answer first and was so excited that they blabbed it!!

With so much energy and a brisk but sunny day we broke the group into two and the twins went outside to dig in the snow with their shovels! 

Busy boys

That left the other two to colour. Emanuel is working on a centerpiece for the party on the weekend. 

Busy colouring

It is a two craft day for the family. First is ELF HATS! We are gluing instead of sewing but each kid is making one that we are going to hang on the tree on Christmas Eve for the elves to put some treats in! 

Completed hat

The second is the snowmen I linked yesterday. The kids basically did the features on theirs. Aren’t they cute? 3 of the kids did hanging versions and one a “holding” snowman. Zander decided that HIS should be a gift to ECHO! So she has her very own special 2011 ornament made by her brother.

A proud completion

My date with Ken was postponed due to issues on Colorado (joy) so instead I went out for dinner (Umi Sushi Express) and then some shopping with Lauralee and Karyn. Sadly though the food was totally delicious… the clothing shopping went without success. Ken has promised me to alert his multiple contracts to being unavailable tomorrow so that we CAN go out and about together. I am still hoping on finding the right top for Sunday’s party, or at the very least, showing Ken a dress I tried on at Winners. 

Practicing to become the Little Drummer GIRL

Tonight was Emanuel’s time again. We read the print out about the origins of Christmas… the portion about baby Jesus, we skipped the history of Santa for obvious reasons! 

Reading with Daddy

Tonight marks the end of my gift creating marathon. I put today as my cut off date to ensure a more enjoyable final countdown to Christmas day. I am already keeping an eye peeled for new crafting ideas… for It’s a Hoot Etsy and Facebook AND for gift giving next year. I do love sharing something handmade. It honestly feels more genuine when I can hand something to someone and say I made this for YOU. And here is my video! I was going to post the Rudolf video but Disney had it shut down! It ran this morning!! Crazy!

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