The Holding Pattern

The snow is melting finally though the day has been overcast… wow is it sad when more than one blog entry in a small period of time starts with discussing the WEATHER… are we into the awkward small talk phase already? I think it is more that boredom has set in with yours truly… I need some sunshine and warm weather to take my family out in and I need it NOW!

We finished our Bad Kitty book and started Farmer Boy. We read the first chapter, discussed the names of characters mentioned, drew an illustration and wrote a small summary and of course copied some letters. I am hoping that we can get Chris and Chris’ printer to work tonight so that I can print off some stuff I found online but Ken has to have spare time first. He took some gaming time this weekend to lower his stress levels and now has to work harder the first half of the week to balance that out. 

There are lots of chapters to read and I am sure we can find some fun ways to learn more about the book itself. We went to the Little House on the Prairie museum in Minnesota before heading home to Canada when Trinity was a wee thing. There are quite a few mini museums connected to the book series in the states (at locations mentioned), maybe when we go down to see Ken’s family we could check another one out! 

Boys at work... I know Ken is looking forward to having his own work space again

I lucked out on Freecycle and am having Karyn coordinate picking up some computer games for the kids… educational and all! Apparently some people wanted ALL that the woman listed but since I was homeschooling she let me pick and choose! She wanted them to go to some family that would actually use them! Well… WE WILL! It is special things like that that make me feel all the more better about life on a rough day/week/month. 

Trinity’s birthday is right around the corner (26th) and with us… displaced… we are planning to have her PARTY in May, BUT that does not change the date of her birth one bit. So the plan is to make some time one evening this week and Karyn and I go and get her something special. Nothing fancy as I still plan on making her a bigger gift for her party but something to open on HER day. 

So while we have not moved mountains life keeps going. We will not be in a holding pattern forever and I am doing my best to realize that on a deeper level… positive thinking right?


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