A Birthday Celebrated

July 24

What else is there to do on a summer afternoon – well celebrate a birthday of course! Alex Novak turned 9 this month after all! Definitely a party worthy occasion. And we were privileged enough to be allowed to come early and help out with the decorating and party prep work! There is, after all, a lot to do before a party, and only Darcy there to accomplish it. 


 The kids (well the boys) were just over the moon to be able to join the kids for another day of fun and play. Alex was to be kept away from the party set up as much as possible as we tried to keep some things a surprise. For example the cake – something Darcy created from scratch based on something called Adventure Time. I personally have not seen the cartoon but the boys told me (the Novak ones) that it is  worth watching… I think Darcy’s cakes were inspired. 

One of 3

There were balloons to fill with helium and tablecloths to put on the tables outside. Don’t forget food to prepare. Darcy decided on something called walking tacos. You basically take a small bag of nachos and crush up the chips, add in your toppings and grab a fork. The kids seemed to love it!

Lining up for supper (Samantha and Andrew)

Anthony and friend

A full table

Add to that a bunch of kids, presents, adults and sunny weather right up until the end when it started to sprinkle and you had an amazing party. There were party games, a very short treasure hunt and even fishing for treats. 

Echo and Mommy

Water balloon toss

Dancing during foursquare

The winners of the treasure “hunt” (note that is the birthday boy)

Sack race

There were other little girls  there as well (2) and Echo of course made sure to latch onto her Anthony.

Anthony as a chauffeur

The birthday boy seemed happy with his presents…

Present time

And the cake (with ice cream) was a huge success. 

Blowing out the candles

A rainbow!

By the time it started sprinkling our crew was about partied out. So we helped with the clean up and then said our good byes. It is a great feeling that this was not one visit in a two week or even a month span but another visit of many over years! I am sort of getting the mindset that this is a long term thing… when I will be able to come to complete grips with all of this change and newness I cannot say. I am finally getting the feeling that I CAN do this though and that in and of itself feels like a success! 

Andy and Darcy

Birthday boy and his proud mom

Echo and her boy

2 thoughts on “A Birthday Celebrated

  1. Chris absolutely loves Adventure Time! Personally, I don’t really get the appeal, but he is totally jealous of that cake. Lol

  2. LOL Darcy makes some AMAZING cakes I am told… she said this was one of her LESSER efforts!! I may just have to try and take her up on help with Echo’s cake!!!

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