A Friendly Gesture

Early in the morning for me to post I know but I have to share a very wonderful gesture. After all this mess with Family Allowance putting us behind a ton of cash, yesterday one of our fellow twin moms and one of her daughters came by with a bunch of food for us! Her husband works for a catering company so they get it cheap or free… but how kind of them. They brought us a HUGE ham and a box of chicken breasts along with alot of other bits and pieces. What a help for us right now. It is just so wonderful to know that people care about you and want to help out when they can. It felt so good to be reminded of friends who care about us.
We are counting down the days til we go to the MRI – Thursday is coming up VERY quickly and I am nervous about it… Ken says not to worry – but I am a MOMMY what else can I do BUT worry? LOL

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