Sleepless Nights and Rainy Days

Well I did manage to change the theme of the page….August is definately here.
I am really starting to wonder if weather changes can impact the kids. Last night the twins seemed to get more awake and rowdy the later it got… as for Emanuel – that was our own fault – we put him down to nap at 7pm and let him sleep until midnight! Oops… but he also had not pooped all day so was grumpy. I think the tylenol we gave him the night before thinking maybe he was teething or something constipated him. This morning alone he has has two poopy diapers THANK GOODNESS!!!
We took Emanuel for his 6 month check-up with his pediatrician Dr. Saini. I love this doctor. He really listens to us and is willing to discuss different ideas. He was called in when Zander had his seizure and had no qualms at saying this was beyond his expertise and shipping him onto the Stollery. Well, Emanuel is growing right on track – he is now 16lbs. 7oz. (7460 gr), his head was 43 cm and his length 64 1/2 cm. Dr. Saini said he thought everything was on track and to take solids slowly when we do start them. LOL we learned that the hard way with the twins… we had to take them OFF of solids the first time we tried them as they threw up too much and we were worried about a weight loss. Emanuel is more and more alert but still not really showing enough signs to worry about it yet.
I think Ken is planning on purchasing my plane tickets this weekend… my Step-mom and sister are hunting down a carseat so I do not need the added annoyance of bringing ours down… they have tracked down a portable crib for the time we are up in the mountains to see Kathleen run. I have my laundry list of stuff I need to pack and an idea of what items I need to purchase before going up – I know it is 2 months away but if I start looking for things like walking shoes and shirts now I can watch for sales. Ken still does not know if he is going to Germany or for how long but we are working out the details of basically all the scenarios.
Ken did talk to our landlord who mentioned he may have a duplex opening up soon BUT it is between 600-700 dollars plus water and gas and we are really not sure we can afford that without a raise… the realities of… well reality. UGH

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