Monday Megrims

It has been an off day… all 3 kids are definately sick. Emanuel especially is having a rough time of it with his runny nose. We are dosing them with cough syrup – the twins are really hacking at night, and trying to keep the fluids coming. Emanuel’s appetite has dropped for cereal a little but he is still a pro at breastfeeding. It is so nice to be wanted LOL.
The weather is … well WINTER all of a sudden – we woke up to snow on everything. Course it melted by the afternoon but I do believe we are seeing the beginnings of winter. I just hope it is a rather mild one this year. We plan on taking the boys out to experience it more than we did last year while I was pregnant. I have a snowsuit for Emanuel that I got on sale at the end of the last season. The twins we are going to go and check at the consignments stores before we spend the big money on new ones.
We also got some rather sad news that friends of ours who will remain nameless are seperating. It is a weird feeling that we know someone in that situation – all adult and significant. Are we truly growing up? I honestly thought that having kids would be that turning point… weird what milestones appear that do carry significance. Of course having the kids was a big milestone but this is another one that is a little more unsettling. We just hope that we can be supportive of both of them and be there if and when they need us.
The twins had speech today – they tried Play-Doh. Apparently there was alot of creative play going on. Amazingly enought Zander has taken to saying GO GO GO lately. And they have been hugging each other. Tonight Gavin was tickling Zander while Ken changed him. It was so cute. They are so affectionate all of a sudden – it is so nice. My boys are growing up!
I think we are going to have to spend the cash and get the standing toy for Emanuel now and find him something affordable for Christmas. He is just dying to stand up on his own. We saw one at Superstore for $30.00 Cdn. We do have enough Pamper’s points to order him a toy for shipping costs only – so that may work for Christmas. We have to finalize our gift list this week and get planning on when and what cookies we are going to make. I want to get this all done in advance since we are not sure of where we will be what days. Where does the time go ???
So life is ever fluid… I just hope the ride will continue to be a fun one… or at the very least interesting.

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