A Busy December Day

Today actually went rather well, the twins were cranky as usual but after Ken got home from lunch his supervisors let him know they were heading into the city and he could take the rest of the day off! So he got a nice long nap while Emanuel and I hung out. Then he ran some of our extra stuff to my mom’s – we are out of room here and in our unit, and came back to help get everyone ready for our pictures at the church.
The man who did our pictures was amazing, fast and he even got Gavin to smile! and Zander not to scowl! Poor Emanuel was too tired to smile but the pictures turned out so nice Ken even ordered a sheet on top of our free 8X10! I think I have lost some weight in my face… tends to happen from time to time, I just wish I could lose it in my gut more LOL. There is not much extra there but I would love to firm it up a bit.
We did get some marvelous news lately – one of Ken’s cousins had her second daughter (Eloisa) in October and my cousins who got married last summer are expecting their first! Alan and Xinny have also decided to try for their second little one – I am told if this one is a boy they are done, another girl and we may see a 3rd child. That leaves us and our 4th… now don’t get excited, I am definately NOT ready to be pregnant again! First of all it has not been a year since Emanuel was born and second – I want a Spring/Summer baby – not another February LOL. Although Ken thinks it is wonderful he has such an easy time remembering their dates. So, maybe August of next year???
After shopping and dropping off the twins at mom’s (we had the baby in the cart and the twins had a blast looking at everything at Superstore and even getting their own bulk animal cookies!) we had supper at Subway for the first time in AGES and went over to Ken’s boss’ house for a visit (Sharon and Darryl). We all played a bit of Wii. It was actually quite fun though it will be a while before Ken can get one. He is actually talking about selling his Magic cards to work towards the cost! Never thought I would see the day!!! I would love to save up the money some how and suprise him… I will have to see what I can do. He is working so hard for the family – in fact right now he is at his night job. Should be easier on him with the nap this afternoon. We stayed at the Bleau’s until 10pm… poor Emanuel was passed out, and even after we stopped to pick up the twins and I lay him on our bed to get his little coat off and put him in his crib he never once woke up. Dead tired!
Speaking of Emanuel – I feel rather bad – Ken had left him asleep on the bed this morning thinking he would wake up right away – the little bugger woke up silently for the first time in FOREVER… crawled to the end of the bed and FELL OFF!! I felt HORRIBLE! He had a big screech and then it was like it never happened! Thank goodness for carpet!!! Talk about Mommy Guilt… luckily I have lots of people online to chat with and even my mom who say they too have had stuff like that happen. He is perfectly fine though thank goodness!!
Last night I wrapped up all of Ken’s gifts except for the one that arrived today. We got our last gift exchange gift for Saturday (a little over the $10.00 limit but nice all the same) and the gift for my mom from Ken and me. I still have a couple people left but I am pretty sure Ken and I can think it through and then he can run out and buy – I hope – I am so sick of shopping!
Well… it is creeping up on midnight and I have a busy day tomorrow. Ken has an appointment in the city and I know the kids are going to be a bit off – we did not get them into their cribs until after 10pm. Emanuel is definately going to want his breastmilk soon – he missed his dinner one since we were out at Subway and he ate a ton of my homemade applesauce mixed with his oatmeal. He did rather well at the Bleau’s though he was tired and did not want to be held by anyone but me and Ken. So much to do and so little sleep I guess.

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