Temper Temper

Have you ever felt as if it would be best to let the kids just cry and cry rather than go into their room angry? Well I am at that point now. We had a rather pleasant afternoon once the twins woke up from their naps and then in the evening they went to my mom’s and we did some shopping and then visited Jeff and Amanda and their kids. I really do like their new house’s set up. Their kitchen is HUGE and Jeff is putting the finishing touches on a wonderful theatre room in the basement… anyway…
We got home rather late, an hour before Ken needed to leave for work, we put the twins to bed and Ken went to have a bath. Now they had settled rather well when all of a sudden Gavin started to SCREECH! The heaters in their room were making this high pitched rather painful ringing. It stopped and we got them all settled again and then a few minutes later it happened AGAIN! Ken got them settled before he left for work. Soon after I was feeding the baby and AGAIN with the noise! So I took the twins out of their room, tried to call the landlord – no answer and then called my mom. Still no idea what to do I went with the twins into their room, read some stories and then back in the cribs. They were certainly not impressed about it. I turned up their soothing music and hoped for the best. Well tonight is NOT my lucky night. Every time Zander has basically fallen asleep Gavin cries or screams.
I have changed a poopy bum, tucked and re tucked in, given a special teddy each, cuddles, hugs, more tucking in, even spankings and NOTHING. At this point I could feel myself getting VERY angry – my voice getting more and more agressive and just not feeling reasonable anymore, so I went in ONE LAST TIME, told them NO MORE, tucked them in AGAIN and closed the door. I can still hear Gavin crying off and on but I think if I were to go back in I would just lose my temper. I really have no idea what to do. He stops crying for the time I am in there but then I leave and he starts again. I am not about to stay in there with him all night and the sound has stopped. If it was the ringing I would hear TWO little voices.
In the back of my head there is always that fear that if I do NOT go in there one of them could be seizing or something equally as horrible… I just wish bedtime in general was easier. What amazes me is EMANUEL – his crib is right up along the shared wall and he has slept through the whole thing!!! Go figure.
I am pretty sure that this is just angry Gavin… the crying has gotten briefer and less volume. But now I am wound up! Oh well and of course tonight Ken works…
Well tomorrow we are off to the city to do some shopping and have a nice relaxing dinner – with Emanuel of course. Life goes on right? And things WILL get better – we WILL find a bigger place I just know it.

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