January Snowy Day

To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.
—writer/lecturer Helen Keller
Kathy made her way home yesterday. It was a lovely visit. When she went to get her shoes from outside the door they were NOT there! We looked all over the stairwell and down to the entrance and did not find them until I finally looked out the main door to look along the sidewalk. They were outside, at the first floor balcony of the building next to us! Lined up side by side. How odd is that?? Ken has his suspicians, Kathy said they were cold enough to definately have been out there a while. Apparently someone from upstairs kicked his shoes down the stairs one night as well. We do not know that it is the people above us (though their next door neighbor is a gentleman who we have a nodding and smiling passing) or the daughter herself or her friends but it does seem odd that someone would come into an apparently locked (the door does not swing shut to lock right now – you have to pull it so it rarely is) building and took ONE pair of sneakers from a pile and then took them outside and arranged them neatly in the snow. Oh well, we have brought our shoes inside and are going to mention it to the landlord. Maybe Wednesday I can find a little shoe stand or mat or something. Even our entry way is carpetted – that is why we had them outside the apartment in the first place. Would I ever love to just move OUT of this building. It was actually a really quiet, no problems building until the mother and daughter moved in above us. That seems like a mean thing to say but it is true. The girl’s friends are often going up and down the stairs like elephants and the mother has even had to call the police on her own child. We have had college students above us and not had any troubles. It is frustrating.
Now that Kathy IS gone I am definately feeling the lack of company. I was chatting with Jeff last night and he told me to stop by anytime. It is lovely to have the invitation I just wish stopping by was not so far out of our way. We simply live too far from the other two families for ease of visiting. I would love to have people over too. I like being a hostess and it is nice to have the twins in their own turf instead of always visiting away. I know our place is tiny but is it odd to say I am proud of my little home? Everything we have we earned, and though it is cramped it is home, I can tidy to make space. A part of me just wants someone other than US to make the effort. We are the ones who travel down south (though it does make sense since we visit a ton of people) yet I would love to have people come up here and see our home, our area. Alberta is really a nice place in my mind. Oh well, Ken is keeping an eye out for a new place, the main worry being that this working two jobs is wearing on him, so do we look for a new place with added expenses and put ourselves in a position where we simply are going to have to look for a new job or wait a bit and work on our debt, suck up the inconveniences and continue as we are? Sometimes being an adult SUCKS! Add to that our wish to have another baby – well start trying in August and nothing is clear. Course all we have to do is POTTY TRAIN the twins and we will have more ready cash for a new baby. They are all but talking ready to go. If only they would TELL us something so we could start the process.
Next week is rather boring. Just Ken taking the twins to speech – we have not heard back from the therapist for weeks since we missed our last scheduled and then the next two Mondays were holidays. We are almost to that 6 month break anyway. Zander did say his first 2 word sentance – I peed – to Kathy. The two of them were talking up a storm to HER not me though! Little bums.
Emanuel is definately getting more and more mobile and into EVERYTHING. Still not walking really though he has moved from just saying MOM to saying DAD. That first tooth is still bugging him and I have moved to Hyland Teething Tablets… another homeopathic remedy that we picked up yesterday and seems to be working. I have had it recommended by parents in both Canada and the US as well as the lady who sold it to me telling me that that is what her mother used on her brother 40 yrs ago! Definately a remedy with staying power. They are now saying not to use Orajel (the freezing gel) since freezing the mouth can sometimes lead to the throat and the infant choking! We never used it on the twins, felt it was too much freezing when we tried it on our own tongues. UGH
Well other than that there is not much going on. Next month is Emanuel’s party… I am waiting on my decorations and invitations to send 2 weeks before – course they are back ordered – so remember this date – FEBRUARY 3rd! I have not settled on the time yet, depends on whether or not we are doing dinner. The twins are going to have theirs in April. After chatting with other parents with the same dynamic they all agree – do something small on the second birthday in the month and then a big party later on – they are already sharing enough let them have their birthday seperate from Emanuel. The joys of a busy February.

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