Blah Blah Blah

It has been an odd few nights. Sunday night there were two cop cars outside of our building who eventually exited the apartment building with the upstairs lady’s daughter in cuffs. She was back for sure today as there was a BIG LOUD FIGHT around lunchtime up there – I had to turn up the tv so that the kids would not notice. Again two cop cars but this time they left WITHOUT the girl. She left the building 10 min later and was back when Ken left for lunch. Happily it has been quiet since. She is an odd one that one – I know I have mentioned her before (on parole – noisy)… she has moved from her punk and then goth look to a trench coat and top hat (!!) and today what looked like 2 inch spike heels. The only girl I know of who sounds like a pack of elephants going up and down the stairs. We are pretty sure she or her friends were the ones who took Kathy’s shoes and put them outside the building.
I have come to a realization – there is NOTHING that compares to a paper book… tonight while in my bath (stupid monthly – ok randomly but for other women monthly – stomach ache) I had to RE-READ a book… all my online webcomics (I keep finding more gems), fanfics, etc are not available during my "Mermaid Lisa" (as Cheryl calls them) moments. BAH And I am out of books I have not read. It is finally warming up… too slushy and icey to walk with the baby on my back pulling the wagon but soon soon I will make it to the library. We are planning on making our way to the city and Toys’R’Us to get the little cart that attatches to the wagon for diaper bags… so all I have to do is figure out how to get the whole thing down to the ground floor. I will have to have Ken talk to the landlord and see if one of the locked closets in the building can be opened to put it in. I cannot see using the bike chain to the stairs. A wagon is alot more tempting to take than a double stroller.
My baby is going to be one in just over a week and a half!!! Today for a brief 3 seconds he stood unsupported while reaching for my water bottle! He is eating more and more different babyfoods – drinking water in his cup, playing with his big brothers… It seems like yesterday he was sleeping almost all day and laying in one place. Now he is into everything, right now his favorite place to go is into the kitchen to mess with my magnets. So hard to believe…
So much to do and so little time. We have our shopping night tomorrow but my mom wants us ALL to come in for a while to visit. That takes 30 min from our time. I am not sure stores like Zellars and the dollar store are open after 6 (mom gets the boys by 6) so we will have to do some shopping with them in tow when Ken gets off at 5. What I do not get done I guess will be added to Saturday morning. Ken also has to take the Christmas stuff to the unit, get Emanuel’s SIN number, take the tv to the pawn shop and get a haircut – I doubt that will all happen tomorrow but the tv and Christmas stuff have to be gone tomorrow. I want the place all cleaned up for Thursday morning when we have our second session with the woman who is reading with the boys. We also need to clean up our room which got postponed since I had to have a nice long bath this evening. I need more hours in the day seriously – that or the ability to clean in our room when home during the day. When the baby is asleep I can’t make noise in there, when the boys are awake they won’t leave me alone or keep out of things and when the boys are asleep but the baby awake our room is right next to theirs so not a good idea. BAH
Well I am sure there is tons more to write but I am too foggy from the Motrin I took today… one measly Motrin and I am USELESS!

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