Sniffles and Yet So Much To Do!

Ok not much to say tonight… fighting a head cold but have gotten some echinacea today and am drinking as much water as I can. This means that all the stuff that I could normally shrug off that the twins do has grated on the nerves. I had a nap this evening when Ken got home – just an hour this time, last night it was close to 3 1/2. A hot bath after we bathed Emanuel (like last night) and lots of vaseline on a VERY sore nose.
Tomorrow I hope to find a new bathingsuit at Walmart. I tried on the one I have last night and…. well it looks ok, I just would not trust it in action. I am rather peeved about that (I may have mentioned this) I got that suit just before I found out I was pregnant with Emanuel and really like the way it looks. If we cannot find one at Walmart I am going to have to ditch the idea of going to the mall in the city (not THE mall just one of the smaller ones) to look at hair pieces and stop at Body Shop for my soaps in favour of going to the Old Navy on the south side. Everything closes at 9 and we will not be leaving til close to 6 and it is about an hour to the city.
Tomorrow is going to be busy. We have to get half the toys put away to make room for guest while the twins are NOT here, get groceries and food for the party, I need to cut up and bag the veggies for the platter, get our futon mattress over to mom’s so that James and Cindi can use it, ensure that everything that needs to be in the unit is over there, clean up the entrance and find a swimsuit… easy right? Oh and Ken has to be at work by 11. I am hoping mom can get the twins’ hair trimmed, if not we have to do that on Friday.
Well it is creeping up on 11:30 and I am debating a couple games of tennis on the Wii and then I HAVE to get to bed. I am not sure that Emanuel will wake up to eat at midnight like he usually does – he slept almost 3 1/2 hours after his breastmilk portion of lunch instead of his usual 1 1/2 so we did not nap him at 4:30… boy was he cranky while we kept him up to his usual 8:30/9 bedtime. I have to be up with the kids if they are up early since Ken works tonight and tomorrow and needs all the sleep he can get.
Take care everyone! Can you believe Emanuel is almost 1 !!!!

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