Repairing from the Long Weekend

We got our chairs! 6 lovely pine (I think) kitchen chairs… nothing fancy but new and matching. We are going to get something alot more expensive once we replace my dad’s old table. I also managed to pick up the floss I was short for a couple of projects, Emanuel some new onesies and two piece pj’s and Ken even stopped off and got some D & D stuff. We even drove around the area we would like to buy in and wrote down some numbers for Ken to call today.
The weather has gotten nicer today, the boys and I managed to go out and send our two letters and then play in the grass. Even Emanuel got up and walked around on the grass and played with the sticks that feel off the trees. It was a little breezy and cool but the boys had a blast. We came home and the twins played leggos while I cooked their nuggets and fries. We have to put Emanuel in one of his stationary toys when they play leggos since he gets right in there and undoes what they have been working on.
I found out last night that friends of ours (who will remain nameless until they tell more people) are pregnant with their second! That brings my total up to 5 baby gifts yet to make. I have made some progress on Christmas stuff and even did a birthday gift over the weekend. I am thinking I need to get another magnetic bracelet or ring to help with how achy my wrist and thumb have been from all the sewing. Probably need to get some more sleep. Or have the twins actually LISTEN to me! They are such stubborn 3 yr olds!
The rest of the week should be pretty relaxed, I need to fax the government with updated bank info. They have some account that my bank does not even recognize. Luckily the government waits til I fax their information and then tries to withdraw so it will not be seen as late and make me unable to finish the process with the loan reduction. I am still waiting on the paperwork for that one.
So much to do it feels and so few hours… I am working on Isabella’s Christmas gift then back to my mom’s, in the meantime I have two cards to make for baby gifts and all the thank yous for the twins’ party, scrapbooking for Emanuel to do (mother’s day, birthday party and James’ visit)… as well as I need to sit down and cut more material for future projects. At least I am starting to master my french knots! And I must admit it IS fun!
It is pretty neat – at Ikea yesterday Emanuel wanted to drink milk from a carton just like his brothers and then had some in a straw cup like the twins’ water cups when we got home! Course this morning nothing but it is definately a start!

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