Tag Archive | apps

Saturday in Brief

It is hard enough to wake up on a day when plans have been through out the window (as this WAS another potential move in date on the new rental) but add to that the snow on the ground and the chill in the air in the middle (dead center) of April and honestly my heart was not in it. Thankfully my boys woke up right around when Echo did and the fact that today they were NOT grounded off Netflix was enough to make them all perky! If only adults could work the same way on a consistent basis! 

All around the computer

We have had a bit of a lazy Saturday though Ken was able to deal with picking up the bulk of our old damage deposit, one more thing basically off the list. Perks you up a bit to get one more thing done… mostly. 

I am still on the great iPad app hunt and finding more and more interesting ones along the way. We are still going through a list a friend from a homeschooling group gave me. She has a very extensive list, though some cost money so it will keep me busy. Again any and all suggestions I more than welcome them!

iPad time with Daddy

The first of our vehicle picks was not horrible, according to Sean, but would need repairs. So while it is not OFF the list we are hoping number 2 or 3 would be in better condition. The joys of a limited budget I guess. BUT it is a start. We have this week to get it sorted before the trip to the city the following week and Comic Con. I am told by all the guys that this is plenty of time as Ken has already made inquiries and ensured that the vehicles we are interested in are available for test drives. So one step closer to where we need to be to be calm and collected…

And with that I am debating an early bedtime. My sister in law Holly has completed all her procedures and surgeries and should be home either tomorrow or Monday. We are so thankful that her time in the hospital is coming to an end. 

A Victoria owl and his bunny friend


So we are still grounded to the vicinity of Chris’ and Chris’ during the day BUT we have managed to have some fun all the same. This morning the kids went outside and ran and ran and ran. Having toys from Grandma’s outside REALLY has helped that along. And then it was time for the new craft bucket. Everyone made something and the mess was not too out of control!

Today was the first iPad use day for the kids. They ALL lost 10 of their original 30 min last night with messing around at bedtime. Trinity got to go first and Zander lost 5 additional minutes (down to 15) for coming right over to watch over her shoulder. The he and Gavin lost 5 min for back talk and not following instructions (for those keeping track that had Zander at 10, Gavin 15, and the other two at 20 min.). Hopefully this incentive will help us to move out of the bad behaviour (regardless of all of our frustrations) and into the good books again.

Echo helping with time out

iPad and Baby

My sister in law is still awaiting surgery. We thought she would go in today but there was an issue with a stone kicked out and now they have tests and waiting to go through first. Thankfully her mom is with my nephew and my brother is able to work but their family needs her back. So please keep a positive thought/prayer/whatever for her and her healing. We are hoping whatever needs to be done is done ASAP and she is able to come home and recover in peace! 

Today was a workbook day for the twins… lots and lots of math. And for the most part done quietly and without complaining. Actually a nice change… lots of completed pages needing stickers and even Zander (who usually just rushes) didn’t have many mistakes! Makes a mom proud!

We had a super special treat in the form of a family trip out to the park that is a couple blocks away. Everyone got a chance to play and run and yell… though we had to head home after almost an hour due to a splinter (Trinity). I am so glad we managed to get out and play. 

Mommy and mini me

Why so serious?

Attempting the swing



Cuz we love PARKS

Yesterday I finished a few more bows bringing my total for the past week up to 10. I will post pictures of those tomorrow. Tonight has been a stitchy night with one owl done, and more bodies made (thanks again Victoria). I need some men’s socks to make some bigger owls… my mom wants one for Gypsy. I seriously need to find some sad and lonely socks to add to my stash! 

We have managed a pretty fun day, and I have started putting out feelers for good FREE educational Apps. As usual, if you are aware of any, please send them my way! Hopefully TOMORROW I will have news on the rental AND the van situations! 

See you tomorrow

This entry was posted on 11/04/2012, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments