Tag Archive | Baba

Seeing Santa

Well it is that time again – our traditional visit with Macy’s Santa with Nana and Baba. We actually went early this year what with Nana and Baba’s visit being over Thanksgiving. (Zander is in blue stripes)20161123_160022

I cheated and ordered our two new dresses off Amazon, and at the last minute! They got in the morning of our trip to the cities. 20161123_142231

The boys lucked out with a combination of new Walmart sale find shirts and an old favourite for the boy who misplaced his new shirt. 20161123_141948

Some photos, Dad and Baba done their work and off we went.20161123_151957

img_20161123_152224The display at Macy’s is basically the same thing every year with small additions. We figure this year there are a few new animals out. 20161123_160912

20161123_161542We took quite a few photos. Though every year we find it takes less and less time to go through the display. 20161123_161344

20161123_16141320161123_16145420161123_161606The real draw is SANTA, of course. 20161123_162118


Official Santa pic.

Official Santa pic.

After Santa was letters and snacks and more photos. img_20161123_171648

We have one final tradition – after all the seasonal fun it is off to Culver’s for dinner. 20161123_174712

We were so glad Nana and Baba could be here for something that this year marked the beginning of our Christmas season.20161123_160800



This entry was posted on 30/11/2016, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Approving of April

Annnnnd on we go. April… Well of course April is Trinity’s birthday – 8 this year! You can read all about her special celebrations HERE. She is growing up so quickly… they all are!dscn15211

dscn15241imag2905We made if over to the Novaks in April as well. I swear I take more pictures of pets than kids when we are there though. Snoopy the cat is way too much fun to photograph.dscn15421

dscn15471img_20160430_204737I think we would live at the YMCA. I know we BASICALLY did over the summer. (oooh spoilers) I figure if we are to be gifted a membership by Nana and Baba we better make it worth their money! So lots and lots of pool fun over our spring this year.dscn15041

We are also getting in a lot of together time, often on my bed. Which is just fine. Planning school, crocheting, hanging out together. It is so special. dscn15401

Of course we made it to the Home Depot free Saturday. img_20160402_112251

And spent some lovely time with Nana and Baba during their time up from Florida.img_20160404_215029

The big kids even had a field trip to a radio station!imag2812

And best of all – fun trip to the zoo with our new homeschool buds!!! You can read all about it HEREimag2949

imag2939April was a mix of warm and cool weather but with so much fun going on I don’t think anyone minded. imag2840


Beginning 2016 Blog Posts…

BEFORE 2017… Go figure! And wow does that sound EVEN WORSE when I say it out loud! Anyway, after December comes January and more winter fun. The end of Karyn’s holiday visit. The continuing of homeschooling and the start of our Chinese New Year unit, because if there is one thing you can count on in OUR curriculum it is that we will somehow cover Chinese New Year. (this year it was a bigger focus on the country CHINA itself even! You can read and find resources for that HERE)DSCN1435[1]

But enough with the generalities… time to get with the specifics. We had our monthly trip to the Home Depot for the craft, of course.imag2103

Snow… sort of… the boys complained that this was a disappointing winter with its lack of huge snowfall. Amazing how the whole arctic cold of last winter has been long forgotten.img_20160114_212546

img_20160124_110406We had the cousins up from Florida for a bit of a holiday visit. DSCN1416[1]

DSCN1417[1]And said “see you soon” to Aunty Karyn – if you ask Trinity we should be her very first and most important destination for any and all holidays (and I cannot say I don’t disagree).DSCN1418[1]

imag2127imag2130Gavin finished a workbook…DSCN1421[1]

And we had all sorts of crafty moments.DSCN1430[1]

img_20160129_213343PLUS Ken helped us create our large map of China. Nothing is more fun than working together on something we will then showcase in our schoolroom.DSCN1432[1]

We even managed a visit to Aunty Shandai and Uncle Ravyn’s to pet the kitties – well Echo, Ken and I did.DSCN1419[1]


And had the Schwartz family over to play.img_20160118_182438

OH and swim lessons… cannot forget our amazing instructors at the YMCA. The twins are in swim crew!DSCN1429[1]

img_20160114_212520January kept us hopping and was full of visitors and fun. I love this reflecting back and reminding myself of how much joy there is in a passing month!DSCN1425[1]



