Tag Archive | bachelor party

Blink and the Week is Over!

April 22-25

Once we finished our day out with zoo fun and egg hunting it was right back into the school fray. England was our topic over multiple days thanks to a combination of Little Passports, Activity Village print outs (on right) and library books.101_7219

Of course we are hard at work reading Treasure Island. Though the twins have suggested at times that MAYBE with all the deaths and mean pirates that this classic is not really kid friendly. Oh the world they have yet to experience!101_7220

We are, of course, keeping up with our reading.101_7221

But on advice of the always amazing Brave Writer and other inspirational homeschooling blogs, we have started to take advantage of the sunny days. So in the afternoon we dropped everything to enjoy sunshine and fresh air.101_7223

101_7226To celebrate all that spring and sunshine the kids had their last Pizza Hut reading program pizza for the year! We are already registered for the following year and are eagerly awaiting the summer program (though that one is online only with website rewards instead of pizza). We accomplished a lot of reading and together time over some really good books this year!101_7227

Our next big countdown is a short one… Trinity turns SIX on the 26th with her birthday party on the 27th! So we kept ourselves busy for the rest of the week cleaning and thinking happy nice day thoughts. After all the 26th is a bridal shower and the bachelor party for Gavin’s godfather Cory and his fiance Karen. Of course all of the adults were invited to these events so there was some kid juggling as we tried to work out ways to have the girls at the morning event and the guys at the afternoon… but that is skipping over a whole bunch of school and family fun!! So back to our week…

Tuesday had us watching Wild Kratts…



Reading about pirates…101_7229

And the girls hard at work on Echo’s ladybug mask thanks to her Easter stash from Gammie.101_7230

101_7231Middle of the week has our soon to be 6 year old completing her adding and subtracting book! I decided that since I already had a copy of our beloved Canadian math series for grade one that it was time for her to hop right into it! She is so pleased that she is on the same book as Emanuel… Emanuel… not so much!101_7232

We did spend some lovely quiet time with our Dirty Jobs episodes…101_7233

More Treasure Island… really the portions that stand out to them in a chapter are varied and interesting! Actually, we continued the trend with ANOTHER chapter the next day… I think we are ready for individual book reports in the summer!! At least by the twins! Exciting!!101_7234

101_7236And the decent weather is holding!!! And with that, our week is over and one of our busier weekends begun! Wish us luck!101_7237

Home Alone With the Minions

So having Daddy take off first thing in the morning is NOT the way for this family to start their Saturday on the right foot. Of course Mommy is much more of a task master first thing in the morning; laundry was put away, bedrooms cleaned and children dressed all before breakfast made it onto the table and all before 9 am! Of course Echo was unimpressed by this display of organization and after her breakfast and numerous attempts at play and pacifying through cuddling was sent back to bed for an early morning nap (she WAS up and fussing before 7 am this morning which super early for her). But Ken had a bachelor party to go to – paintballing out by Edmonton I guess. 

The twins and I made an agreement for the day – if they sat down right after breakfast and did their picture for their Summer Adventure file for their boat experiment that would be ALL of the organized schooling for the day. 

Boat adventure

They did come up with their own project today – making a kite… this time it is more a decorative thing as they used this and that around the house, but they had fun doing it! They came up with everything but the string on their own. They remembered the need to have a tail and string and even that the string should go onto something that is round to be wound up. (an old ribbon bobbin) Of course they had to decorate it and a piece of my ribbon left over from another project was used for the tail. They actually have a kite of their own (thanks to Kathy), I just don’t know where locally to fly it… and of course Kathy warned us it is not a very high quality kite… but at the age of 7 a kite is a kite is a kite! 

Making their kite TOGETHER

Attempting a fly

Great on the details just wouldn't fly

Emanuel wanted a kite of his own but Trinity opted to make a new boat… this one is more like a raft with a cork in the middle to “look pretty,” oh and we had to add some ribbon for style of course! 

Trinity and her boat/raft thing, note the pretty ribbon and her name TWICE

Oh, I forgot to mention last night – Kristen and Fydo came early to game night bearing gifts – a microwave stand! I got my counter space back!!! So sweet of them! As I am sure you can see from the picture I have already taken advantage of the shelf space for my ribbon and barrette making supplies. Well at least for now! 

Microwave stand!!!

I made up two more boutique bows with the surrounding loops… of course I put the barrettes on for RIGHT handed people… which of course is fine for MOST people but a royal pain for yours truly, the resident lefty. I used the peace sign ribbon I bought at Michaels on sale so of course there really is an UP to it… BUT at least they are relatively cute. I am hoping to make another one later with multiple surrounding loops just to try it out. 

Still not won over with this bow style

Ken got home after we had finished dinner. Worn out and glad to be home. Apparently paintballing was fun. They ran, they shot, they crawled around on the ground. Certainly not my idea of a fun time but I am glad he enjoyed himself. No pictures as not only did he forget the blue camera (old grindy) but it wasn’t especially a camera friendly atmosphere. As it is he has a few welts on his arms and back that look a little nasty.

I have to start my final preparations for our time at my mom’s during Chris and Chris’ wedding. Since we are going to be gone for a few days we need to pack quite a bit. I have been trying to wear my shoes for my outfit from time to time. We plan on leaving for my mom’s on Thursday night. That was the kids will be settled and calmer on Friday and onwards. I am still short a pair of dress pants and some dress socks for the boys but other than that… well we are about as ready as we will ever be.And now for some cute pictures… enjoy!

Twins in the backyard... blowing bubbles

Baby in the lawn chair

Silly sisters

Cutie Patootie

And just cuz the face is so priceless

Ending the Week With Friends and Family

Ending a week that begun with so much excitement and visitors is always a bit of a tough one for the kids. Ken and I took some extra time late last night to catch up on the newest season of Haven and have some together time. We have not had much these past two weeks with company over and Ken working so much. So I was up WAY past my bedtime and Ken was kind enough to let me sleep in. Though I woke up to Gavin and Ken having a VERY intense discussion about the necessity of trying to get someone into worse trouble over something  they had already had a time out in. While Zander seems to be rather unworried about getting into trouble for doing as he pleases sometimes (though improving by leaps and bounds), Gavin tends to start chatting himself up in comparison as being so well behaved and generally good. Neither behaviour is very helpful most of the time and so we are trying to work with both of them to realize a middle ground. 

Now back to those boats I mentioned at the end of the previous entry… well while Cousin Veronika and I were waiting for Karyn to get off work the kids were getting rather bored. So I told them to go through our craft supplies and make something, anything that they like. Gavin found a pie plate and decided he was going to make a boat. Well that had Zander interested so he decided to do the same using popsicle sticks and masking tape (interesting choice on his binding agent). Emanuel wanted one too so we tried popsicle sticks with hot glue to attach them (properly decorated of course). This morning Trinity also wanted a boat so we knocked one together that matches Emanuel’s.

The boats

We talked about how it had to be able to float and how there was a possibility that the tape on Zander’s would not work – after all what happens to masking tape when it is wet? And how boats often have masts and sails and how the sail is a triangle. Gavin included pictures of some necessary boat things on the inside of his – a captain, the ship’s wheel and of course a life preserver. Zander named his boat – ON – because everyone had to get ON it. 

Close up of Gavin's

Outside and ready to test our boats

That leaves the most important question – CAN THEY FLOAT? A very serious debate between Gavin and Zander as Gavin was SURE Zander’s wouldn’t work. The end result was that Zander’s tape DID fail… it just took a while… of course Gavin’s pie plate did the best and we did realize that felt sails were NOT the best choice but it was fun! 

Cousin Veronika was there to lend her expertise.

We are planning on taking what we have learned and make NEW boats tomorrow or perhaps later in the week depending on what supplies we can find here at home. 

I snuck Echo out in her new dress (from Victoria) to take another set of pictures in the front yard. I am still trying different clothing and days to try and get her 1 year photo. Of course the box of the photos that go on the wall has still not been hunted down but Ken is optimistic. That is the last step to settling in really – getting those photos back up on the wall! 

So happy!

Tonight was a fun night – game night! BOARDgame night. Kristen and Fydo brought their game Betrayal at House on the Hill and after Veronika finished her hair appointment we played Settlers… with Fat Sheep!! Sheep and wood jokes did ensue. Talk about a terrific ending to a week. Friends, popcorn, slurpees and gaming. 

Fat Sheep and Settlers

Settlers with friends and family

Now to face the weekend – paintballing bachelor party for Ken and church on the Sunday. Then the final countdown to the wedding (next Saturday) and a VERY busy week. Don’t forget Monday is GENETIC TESTING (Ken called to confirm). 

Hmm not sure about this face but CUTE

This entry was posted on 20/08/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments