Tag Archive | corn maze

Examining October

Well, you can already see pictures from Halloween HERE, as usually it was a fun time.

Neko-Chan and her Halloween prop

Neko-Chan and her Halloween prop

Echo’s wedding dress photos are HERE.

October was also Ken’s birthday… his 40th if you can believe it! We kept it low key, just as the birthday boy requested. He is not a big party animal. But he also was given an award for his hard work involved in getting his mental health under control and advocating for the association that helped him. We got to dress up and everything!20171005_183253




New outfit and all

New outfit and all

It was a fun sort of duo season month with time to jump in leaves (and rake them up, slightly less fun)…20171023_132448





And a bit of snow to toy with as well.20171027_100640


We even had TWO foreign visitors, Jeff flew down from Canada to hang out. Never a bad thing, friends and family flying down when we still can’t return ourselves.20171024_170421

With Jeff there is ALWAYS yummy curry.

With Jeff there is ALWAYS yummy curry.

And Karyn!!! A shorter visit than her normal yearly visit but we packed in the fun and hugs and … shopping of course!20171010_115528





So we may enable each other... just a little... and we like it that way!

So we may enable each other… just a little… and we like it that way!



We had our yearly pumpkin patch trip with our friend Trish and her two kids. Always fun and thankfully on a day when the weather mostly cooperated.

I am so grateful that Trish is willing to embrace our loud and crazy family.

I am so grateful that Trish is willing to embrace our loud and crazy family.





20171020_150620Ken made pumpkin pie from scratch.20171022_111019

The twins took on acolyting at church.IMG_20171022_095158_027

20171029_091707We worked on all sorts of school stuff from crafts to book work and more.20171031_135121


20171031_093754We had the Novaks over for VR fun.20171014_201627


I continued my obsession with Neko-Chan pictures.IMG_20171022_000542_936




We had a bonfire with the Schwartz family and I got my cat fix.20171013_205711


I worked my buns off at the YMCA, with the family in tow, of course.20171022_173545


Emanuel and Trinity even got their YELLOW belts!!20171012_181358


And I crafted, my sanity is very closely tied to crafting it seems.



Of course more images to enjoy. Fall really was pretty last year!IMG_20171022_151323_502


Face painting!

Face painting!




A Sunday of Fall Fun

October 7

Fall weather calls for fall themed adventures and of course a Sunday afternoon is a terrific time to do so. Add in Nana and Baba and the cousins AND their parents (Joe and Faith) and we had two full vehicles of kids and adults. Of course the kids ALL wore their new winter coats with pride! Echo long before we even left!

All decked out minus her mittens

We got as far as a cousin picture…

The cousins minus Echo in front of an apple tree in the (at that time) parking lot

before nature made herself known in an obvious way with a very visible VERY tiny snake… Thanks to Baba they all got to see and touch this little critter (with yours truly a SAFE distance away). A Northern Red Belly apparently. Something new and interesting to note about Minnesota – the snakes here – NON venomous! Speaking of critters in the state… the night before I got my first experience of a MOUSE in the HOUSE! ACK it was skittering across our unfinished ceiling along a… get this… copper pipe (talk about a TINY pipe)… traps have been set and I am to start placing bounce sheets in everything (apparently the smell offends the mouse’s delicate nose… Well works for me, I LIKE the smell of those sheets and HATE the idea of a mouse in my drawers!). 


After the snake was released back into the wild it was time to start with the apple orchard. The sun was out, the wind as well (but not too bad) and the kids ready to run. We started in the barn where all sorts of things, including Nana and Baba’s favourite apples – HoneyCrisp. We especially had to check out the bees on display with some of their honey. 

Checking out the bees

Ken and I snuck the kids out of there pretty quickly, they are not all huge fans of apple cider yet and with loose teeth abounding candy apples were a definite NO NO. So instead we headed over to the Kettle Corn stand to buy a bag to share. Very yum, though the kids assured us NOT as good as Baba’s.

Kettle corn!

And then onto the other entertainment… there was goats to see and pet…

Goats were there and so were we?

And a hay maze to check out that was VERY simple I am told. Of course the kids were not SUPPOSED to be on top of the maze, ours weren’t… but others…

A little knowledge

Time to maze it up

We then took advantage of the loose hay that you COULD climb all over and took pictures, ran off energy and covered the kids in hay! 

Cousins in the hay

After all the fun at the apple orchard it was time to pack back up and head over to the Country Sun Farm. They had all sorts of things there to see… of course we had to go feed the animals corn… goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys… all of the kids were impressed.

Feeding those animals

We peeked at the corn maze but chose not to purchase tickets… 


And then headed into the structure to look at pumpkins (numerous) and fall and Halloween displays and to send the kids into the… corn pit????

Pumpkins everywhere

Echo was a bit too little for the pit so she enjoyed the company of the adults and checked out pumpkins on her own. 

Hanging with Uncle Joe

With fresh mini donuts and water it was time to head back to the house, we totally wore out the kids… and then some!!! I think it was a great day out. And now we have a bunch of interesting experiences to document in our journals and a critter to read about! Oh and a new recipe for honey pumpkin pie I will share AFTER we make it! I will be sure to share a few of our findings and illustrations! 

Post play snack

Two Adventures in Two Days

Let’s make our way to the weekend! The weather has been pretty predictable in its sunny wonderful-ness this week. The kids have LOVED it, the dog has LOVED it… I have to admit I have loved it too! We worked it out in advance so that Ken got enough work done to take his morning slow and we (as a family no less!) scratched ANOTHER thing off our list. Visiting Grandma’s work while she is there! And with the lovely weather how better to enjoy the event than to go for a family walk there, once we covered our Trinity’s blisters with bandaids, packed up the baby’s necessities and convinced the boys that walking WAS much better than the van. 

Walking together

We made good time and brought Grandma a bottle of water, as we all know hydration is VERY important. We met some of her co-workers, played with some toys and made two important purchases. As this is the weekend of Jaywalkers everything was 50% off so I got Echo a booster chair for 1.50 to take to Kathy’s when we pet sit (oh and for her to play with as it is officially her new favourite seat).

A chair AND the Tupperware cupboard

Ken picked out a boardgame. The main reason? It is still in the shrink wrap with a copyright date of 1974! So here’s hoping it is an interesting game! At least it is a good conversation piece for a piddly 2.50!

New game

On the way back Trinity’s feet started hurting again so she got a ride from Daddy. She is so nervous about heights that it took a little time to calm down and get comfortable with it. 

Best view

That got us home in time for lunch and schooling. Of course we had to do our page for the books… they are getting quite full of all sorts of adventures!

Gavin working on his library book

The twins each took some time in the afternoon to help me out with my craft sale items. Each of the boys has made their own duct tape change purse to sell for 4.00 like mine. They picked their own colours and Gavin even took the time with a messed up piece to draw and cut out a duck to embellish his. 

Gavin with duck

The inside on Zander's is silver

There is a measly 1 week left until the craft sale! I am going to link the event HERE so please, if you are in the area on the 9th, come by, buy something however small and help out a great cause. 10% of ALL my sales for the day go to the charity and I am also donating a doorprize. My  table SHOULD have the sign It’s a Hoot and Friends on it (gotta get that done yet!). I am personally selling owls, bows, duct tape items and some headbands. I will post some teaser images later this week as well as this link again and again! So check back! 

So many owls

Anyway after Grandma got done work and we had supper there was some kid and Grandma quality time while Ken and I ran out to get groceries. Some alone time for us and some nail polish time with Grandma. Echo’s first time! She got sparkly stuff and Trinity some gold. Zander had his done as well though we removed that Saturday as we have a special Sunday planned. I am just so glad they are getting some fun time with family in. We hadn’t visited in quite some time and we need to take advantage of this and have new memories and adventures made. 

Echo and her fancy nails

With Grandpa gone to the city for a conference it was bed time and then JAYWALKERS… yup two items in two days! Jaywalkers is an event where the downtown is blocked off from vehicular traffic. Instead booths are put up, carnival games and rides… there was snacks, shopping and even a 4-H booth with some animals! 

Checking out the animals


Echo in her seat

We tried to win free passes for the mini golf/petting zoo/corn maze just outside of town. All 4 kids tried and failed to make the shot but she gave us a pass anyway… after all there is still the REST of the family to pay for! The kids had a blast trying though! Each with a different coloured set of balls. 

Mini golf

And then we paid 2.00 for 6 balls to try bowling for 1,000.00. Ken came rather close but we did not win. It was fun though!! Each of the boys took a turn. 


Next came the two things Ken and I absolutely LOVE about Jaywalkers – mini donuts AND lemonade (we tried the cherry version, I still prefer the original). Yummy, though the prices had gone up! Of course it would not be an outing without an injury. On the way back to the van Gavin wasn’t listening and climbed on some cement parking blocks, slipped and biffed it big time! Both knees VERY scratched up. So we cleaned him up as best we could with what we had in the van and after a brief stop off to pick up a medium sized diaper cover (yup I love SPRINKLES). took him home to clean and bandage properly. He did a professional job of scuffing himself up royally! 


With Ken’s help, I spent some time making Echo a miniature version of Trinity’s purse… 4 inches long and with a shorter strap. She is very pleased and I was able to just use bits from all of my remaining rolls!

Echo's purse

We had a surprise visit from Tammy and her girls while the kids watched a movie from the Library and I got in some visiting time. She brought some of her older pieces of dressier clothing that she no longer needed/could wear for me to try on later and some company on an afternoon that went from sunny to drizzly rather quickly. 

Supper was homemade hamburger courtesy of Ken and then the kids played  games with mom while I got in some chatty time with Ken. I think we are starting to really feel on the same page on more and more things. I am hoping he can get a few more minutes here and there to homeschool with us in the near future as well. Though I do think we are doing rather well. I would love to do more in-depth things and hope to find some ways to get back into the crafting, math and sciences in a way that actually brings in the boys’ interest willingly. As it is I hope to get started on the United States on Monday. I have a few books from the library to use, and a couple files printed out from my resources. Sunday night I hope to do some more searching. Any suggestions are welcome! We plan to spend the whole month on it! 

It was a great day for together time. And I snuck in another weather page as for the first time in forever the weather changed visibly through out the day. Tomorrow it is the dedication for the costumes mom made the church. I look forward to it, and the last day of Sunday School. I hope to see some local friends, pick up a few items at some stores not available here and maybe stop at a park or two. Gotta keep the adventures going and two more things on our list to cross off! That is without going over the information the Information Center gave me about some local things. There is a great aboriginal event towards the end of the month and I know the library has advertising about a Father’s Day event that includes pictures on a fire truck! 

So my attempt to stay positive and do the day as the day standing alone worked rather well… the evening not so much but you know what? That sometimes gives way to talks that do help… I still have plans to make paper… just need a blender no one cares about, a screen and some paper to shred. Everything is doable if you keep your heart and mind set upon the path. 

A big sister being a big help