Tag Archive | Izaac

My Babies are 8!

Weekends are never sedate and restful around here lately. With Sean here already Saturday afternoon we added the den Otter family. As a birthday present Xinny wanted to come over and teach the kids more about Chinese New Year. We had a great time visiting, playing and of course learning. 

All but Echo

There were red envelopes filled with stickers (always a favourite), that they were told in turn to put them under their pillows for good luck. I think the younger two are still confused as to WHY they are putting them under their pillows but they all did. And then there was some snacks… special fried pastry sort of things that are supposed to represent cleaning out the house with the frying (they were made by Xinny’s dad). And some candies… she left us with some special dried fruits and crackers. All very special. 


Xinny then helped each of the kids draw their name in Chinese characters. She actually came with sheets with all our names, our last name and some interesting words. I love the look of the characters and I think for Christmas I will do a banner for each of the kids. These were done on red paper as that is the colour of paper you use during the Chinese New Year. 

Time to write names

Echo and Izaac are already fast friends… well until he leans on her to give hugs or a kiss and almost knocks her over. Izaac was 11 months on Saturday and weighs around 27 lbs. Echo will be 1 1/2 on the 13th of this month and is 17 lbs. They are such extremes and absolutely ADORABLE together. I am looking forward to when they will be able to chat together and hang out. As it is they were doing rather well sharing toys and playing, though Echo laid claim to Xinny for a cuddle and Izaac was less than enthused. 

Our cuties

From the back

We have already begun planning to go visit the den Otters at their home in March. I am hoping we can get back to our old pattern of every other month going to visit. That part is on its way here and once we have this 4th repair on the coolant system we are hoping to have a lot more freedom of travel. 4th time has GOT TO be the charm! Right??

They play so well together

Xinny left me the supplies to make more characters… the brush pen and the ink. I am actually hoping to create some more myself… I love the finished look and it really does seem to be something I could create myself. I may just go back to her with a list of words in the end. But first I have my family to do up! 

My first attempts

A second go

Xinny brought some clothes for the girls as well. I could not resist putting Echo in one Sunday!

Love the dress!

Sunday means Sunday School. This weekend it was the twins’ turn to be sung Happy Birthday to. They each got a bracelet to bring home. Something they were SUPER excited about.

They were quick to change out of church clothes!

It was craft Sunday and they all made bookmarks! Very sweet!


As it was the twins’ birthday they got to play Minecraft for most of the day. Ken has some printed out source sheets for them and everything. There were remarkably few fights and apparently a lot was accomplished. 

Crowded around the pc

Of course there was the slurpee trip. It was Ken’s turn and he bought them larger sizes than I tend to buy them so they were doubly happy!!! And of course we bought a third one so that the other two and myself had a treat as well.

Slurpees for the birthday boys

There was our traditional cupcake and song, though Ken bought the wrong cake mix and the Angel Food just didn’t turn out. BUT the kids were thoroughly entertained by the odd snack and loved the icing! 

Happy 8th Birthday Boys

(she) Chris stopped by with some fruits and vegetables as she was in the city this weekend. AND some special soap for Trinity!

Hello Kitty

It has been a weekend of birthday and visiting and joy. A very much needed beginning to our February. Next weekend is the party at my mom’s, the following our cookie party and then the last weekend is (he) Chris’ birthday. February (weekends) was all booked up before we even ended January. 

Hanging out

Christmas Cheer Achieved and Shared

Christmas party had come and gone and was a lovely success… we filled our home with friends and some family, children and food… oh and PRESENTS!! Hmm guest list, I am sure you are all wondering! Lots of familiar names… first was Cousin Veronika and her Adam (nice and early – COUSIN TIME!), though of course the night before was Ted and Sean. Then Karyn, Kristen and Fydo… Alan and Xinny and their 3 (Izaac is so TALL!), Lauralee and of course ESTHER. Kathy called to send her regrets (she was getting over a cold) and He Chris was late (car trouble) while She Chris had to work. Definitely a FULL house! 

Babies on the floor

Gavin and Alex playing on Uncle Ted's iPad

Pre present photo

Some of the girls

We did up a potluck and had a large variety of food – everything from candy sushi (made by the amazing Karyn) to “ducklings” by Xinny (Chinese dumplings) and  two slow cooker items, a Japanese salad… oh and the chocolates and not to be forgotten deviled eggs AND homemade orange chocolate croissants!! We were well treated. I have to say the table was over full. Not a person went unfed, and I think most were OVER fed. 

Candy Sushi!

Chocolate candy cane cake

Presents were the usual chaos of wrappings, squeals and confused parents. BUT it seems like everyone was well pleased. Veronika and Adam had Santa’s number and found out what the Christmas wishes were and got each kid the thing off of their list!!! There were hand made scarves and more chocolates… boardgames, oh the list goes on and on! 

The inside joke present

Echo with jelly fish

Opening presents!

Lego! We were told Star Wars is the BEST Lego!

We had some stay later than others and left a lovely mess to face in the morning but it was all worth it! With less than a week until Christmas this was my largest and most exciting commitment. Every year we try to host a party and this year it was a full house. And now we work towards the next adventure – our first trip to Grandma’s in a long time! Months actually! It will be an interesting pack as we are going for multiple days and the current van (no repaired) is not a large one. I do miss my stow and go. 

Hanging with Santa... Sheep??

Pre drive nap

This is one of Zander's favourite pictures

I got some interesting mail today… beyond the no loner lives here letters I also got a Christmas card from my cousin, his wife and their adorable baby boy! AND a package – another one from the UK!! This one was beautifully decorated by the daughter of the house. Another package to hide from the kiddos of course. But I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends. 

Such a lovely illustration

I love their family picture!

Now to deal with the rest of the month, the non Christmas related stresses, the Christmas ones… they all bundle together and have managed to wear me down. BUT some time with a wonderful friend (Karyn of course), a trip to mail an envelope, visiting the library and other random fun has helped the smile back on my face. The nap in the afternoon during the Uno tournament helped the stress relief along. Although choosing to nap on the couch in front of said tournament was not the brightest choice! 

Pre Karyn Uno warm up

Post tournament dance party

It is odd not to have a million commitments to my time though a few rare things are outstanding. We have not done much by the way of homeschooling lately, just our Advent colouring BUT tomorrow we will probably catch up on our Bible verses. They were so over done from the day before’s party that really settling them to learning was not possible. 

Of course I got lazy and chose bath and library book over resizing pictures… so this is being posted the next day (oops) and will be followed by ANOTHER blog post! Sorry all… Christmas is almost here and I am determined to squeeze some relaxation here and there anyway! Merry Almost Christmas! Enjoy the Christmas video! Sorry just one for two days!

Crafty Moments

Basically the past 3 days have culminated into a crafty explosion. A combination of cold weather and a swamped Kenny kept us home from our library meet. The other family confirmed to come was from out of town and not going to risk the roads. So instead we had different areas of play and worked on getting ready for our tree! 

Working on a newly unearthed Thomas puzzle

Lego area

...and our quiet reader

Our tree is a prestrung light tree that we bought way back for the twins’ first Christmas. Last Christmas some of the lights were failing… this Christmas we could not get a strand to go! So this year we strung lights up on our prestrung tree! Ken bought a string and then Kristen and Fydo brought their spares! So we are well lit. We may even string some on the railing or something. BUT Ken and I got the tree up in the corner by Friday night so that on Saturday the kids could decorate with Cousin Veronika… chaos! 


Decorated though in need of some more lights added. Note the cute dress (and pj pants) Trinity is wearing - Xinny dropped off some handmedowns of Isabella's! Trinity is beyond pleased. Thanks Xinny!

We did some pre party errands out and about in the cold (V’s jeep has HEATED seats…)… and then it was time for our December Craft-o-palooza. Sadly She Chris couldn’t make it and Karyn and Lauralee had other plans. Victoria was still feeling under the weather so that left Cousin Veronika, Kristen, Xinny and yours truly! We had a blast! I started with the two scrapbook pages I still needed to do for Emanuel from previous Christmas photography sessions. 

Our first official portraits as a family of 6


And then there is the card making… we made a nice amount for one evening and the time just flew! We had our potluck to keep us full and Veronika and I made one run (almost literally – it WAS cold out) to the nearby store for slurpees for those interested. 

Even Fydo got in and made a card!


I love his inside bit!

Kristen brought me some duct tape I needed to finish a project in return for a hairbow so Veronika and I made a second trip back at the end of the night, to Michaels and exchanged the roll I bought that morning for another pattern (a gift for my sister-in-law can now begin). She decided to stay the night so we had a late girly chatty night (like 3 am!!) and then in the morning hung out before she headed home.

Kristen's amazing cards

Her last 2

Veronika's... sorry this pic went fuzzy on me

The rest of Veronika's

I have good pictures of 3 of Xinny's, this one I had to make one like it myself!

That top bit is a punch!


...and mine. I made that bow on the left out of loops of ribbon

The one on the far left is the copy of Xinny's

The second from the right is pop up style

And my last 3

Then there is  the Friday night crafting that preempted the blogging… gotta get all these gifts done after all. Take a peek at the results of my labours!

Trinity and Echo's ornaments

A gift

The hair things I made for the girls

I also took advantage of the time with Izaac to take pictures! Aren’t they cute??


I was also able to finally finish Anna’s stocking and sent it back to the city with Xinny for completion. I hope they enjoy it!!!! I would love to do it for another little girl!!

Ready to assemble

And with that deluge of pictures it is time for me to get back to crafting. It is a good thing we all had afternoon naps, though with the freezing weather all our plans went out the window for anything outside the home! Oh well! Tomorrow we are cleaning out drawers to put away more things for our Christmasy livingroom and hopefully getting a go on the last of our snowflake learning before assembling our lapbook. I promise the NEXT blog will be much more kid oriented!!

Echo's new favourite activity - stacking Play Doh containers

This entry was posted on 20/11/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments