Tag Archive | Nana

Happy 8th Birthday Miss Echo

Hard to believe she is 8 already! August 13 th marked our Echo turning 8. We had to split up her birthday celebration to include Aunty Karyn who drove down from Canada for her visit the week before.

Saying goodbye on the 11th

Saying goodbye on the 11th

So on the Friday (a day before Karyn had to drive back) we had an Echo day. We took her to the Como zoo (a zoo run on donations only) and she got a $30.00 limit in the main gift shop.20180810_102654




She HUGELY lucked out. They were having a sale on a series of large stuffed animals that had her buying 2 for pretty much exactly $30.00. After much agonizing we purchased a red panda (my favourite animal) and an elephant. Talk about a happy little girl!

With her new Stitch teddy from Aunty Karyn

With her new Stitch teddy from Aunty Karyn

After the zoo we had to drive back home and clean up for Echo’s first dance recital at the YMCA! There was 2 recitals planned due to summer scheduling conflicts with parents. For this recital not only was  Aunty Karyn and Trinity there with Mom and Dad but she was the only one in her class that made it!

Dancing solo with Miss Grace

Dancing solo with Miss Grace


She did an amazing job dancing with her teacher Grace, and looked absolutely adorable in her little pink outfit. We were so proud.20180810_171809

After recital it was home for a cupcake cake! Since she is currently obsessed with Stitch I went on Amazon and found some little Lilo and Stitch statues to put on top of the cake. Success!20180810_173547_HDR



Monday marked her actual birth date so we had presents from us and Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie. I went all out with the Stitch stuff and Aunty Holly totally hit the mark with her Lego set.20180813_150029



Thank you Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie!

Thank you Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie!

We also spent time at our favourite park.IMG_20180813_154447_908


A day or two later Echo got a parcel from Gammie. A brand new instant camera with film. Included was a lovely card from Aunty Heather and Hudson.20180813_145126

Add in birthday phone calls from Grandma and Nana and Baba and dinner out solo at McDonalds.20180813_171835


The topper on the day was swimming with Daddy while Mom worked out in her class upstairs.

Echo told me it was the best birthday ever. High praise indeed! Happy Birthday Echo!!!20180810_083543


Kitty school

Kitty school

This entry was posted on 09/09/2018, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

December Brrrr

Yup, a quick overview of a month already well blogged… December…

Advent fun…20171214_110348



YMCA time…20171223_114252





Night out with Chris and Renee to see a play!!

Pre show Mystro time

Pre show Mystro time



A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

More Chinchilla…

So serious

So serious


Taught Gavin how to clean the cage.

Taught Gavin how to clean the cage.

Crafting with Gavin…

He made all of our cards!

He made all of our cards!

Crafting period…

These are my final finish of the year and are an adorable set from the designer Knot Bad.

These are my final finish of the year and are an adorable set from the designer Knot Bad.

Neko-Chan is such a sweet model

Neko-Chan is such a sweet model


Knot Bad rocks!

Knot Bad rocks!

The arrival of a lovely fruit box from Grandma and Grandpa Reinsch…20171221_145011



The twins made cookies as a present we mailed off!

The twins made cookies as a present we mailed off!

Monster cookies

Monster cookies

A somewhat surprise visit from Nana and Baba…20171227_092632_HDR


And just plain old fun!

Cousin Robbie visited and mentioned never having had a scarf... well that problem was quickly solved!

Cousin Robbie visited and mentioned never having had a scarf… well that problem was quickly solved!


Opening presents with Aunty Holly and Cousin Jimmie

Opening presents with Aunty Holly and Cousin Jimmie


Don’t forget school time, we kept up a pretty good pace considering the amount of excitement. Lots of opportunity to learn as we researched some origins of our favorite carols.IMG_20171219_152151_526

We made crystals!

We made crystals!



A handmade Christmas card

A handmade Christmas card

By Emanuel

By Emanuel




Chinese for New Years…20171231_180435

If you want to see the already blogged activities.. here you are…

  1. Anoka Lights
  2. Santa Visits
  3. Christmas Pageant

So now that I have posted this WAY out of order (what with the blog back log), here’s hoping I can catch myself up before mid 2018!!!! Wish me luck!!!

We braved the insanity of Mall of America right after Christmas... someone asked for a gift card from Santa this year.

We braved the insanity of Mall of America right after Christmas… someone asked for a gift card from Santa this year.

She stood in line so long that some Christmas money made its way to the purchase.

She stood in line so long that some Christmas money made its way to the purchase.

Dungeon and Dragons with Dad!

Dungeon and Dragons with Dad!

Gavin asked for an item with sequins...

Gavin asked for an item with sequins…

Doing Home Depot at home

Doing Home Depot at home



This entry was posted on 28/01/2018, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments

Joy in July

July is, of course, a month that starts out with a bang with Canada Day and July 4th. It is also my mother’s birthday and full on summer activity. We went to the Zoo, entered in the County Fair, and I even made a Dragon. July is always a busy month.

This July we had family come to visit. Nana and Baba drove up with the cousins. So there was lots to do with them. 

Beach trips.20170730_113832




20170723_132541Baking and ice cream making.20170730_205050


Visits to the park.20170727_121540


It had been a while since all the kids were together. 20170728_215230






We were invited to a birthday party at a park!IMG_20170716_185230_219


Of course there was LOTS of time to get to know Neko-chan better. Seriously I am in love. And so you will be inundated with pictures of fluffy amazingness. I just wish you could feel her through the pictures. SO SOFT!!!20170726_085520


We visited with Cousin Robbie. Still a family favourite. Echo even got to sit on his bike! He wears all the safety equipment in this helmet optional state.20170710_184225


Of course we watched some soccer games.




And walked to the YMCA … A LOT. Ken had a business trip in July and the YMCA being so close was a life saver.20170724_113302





Emanuel and Echo even won a colouring contest

Emanuel and Echo even won a colouring contest

Trinity and Emanuel have continued in their Karate adventure. IMG_20170727_192510_458

We even saw some produce from our garden.IMG_20170711_125555_800


Found a Canadian penny on a walk!!20170712_123407

Bought ice cream from a passing ice cream truck.. a first for all of us!20170711_145817

I found time for Tim Hortons… of course!20170722_134506


Ken and I joined forces to create a lovely chalkboard in the front entry. He does an amazing job with ideas I come up with!20170709_163333

We even managed to squeak in school!IMG_20170718_103122_561

And did I mention I am obsessed with my chinchilla? Cuz…IMG_20170710_143514_920


It was a great July!IMG_20170708_143810_491