Tag Archive | Novaks

Now November

Hmm let’s see… November… AMERICAN Thanksgiving, a visit from Nana and Baba, full on fall weather, school, the beginning of the Christmas countdown. Because Nana and Baba were there in the right time frame we also saw Santa which you can read about in a previous post.20161123_162137


Beach towels from their travels

Beach towels from their travels

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. Not only did Nana and Baba take over the cooking and make a full on turkey dinner BUT the Novaks also joined us! The kids were beyond excited to have the 4 boys over and we adults had a great visit.img_20161124_231211


Echo chose our seasonally coloured cake. I baked it.

Echo chose our seasonally coloured cake. I baked it.

And the twins decorated it.

And the twins decorated it.

20161124_173601Ken and I snuck off after Thanksgiving for basically a second honeymoon. For the first time in over 12 years we went out overnight WITHOUT kids. We went to a B and B that Karyn and I had visited previously in Wisconsin (different room). We hung out in our awesome room.

20161125_161515img_20161126_213308img_20161126_004401Went out for a delicious dinner at an old mill.img_20161126_004425

Dressed up for a dinner out.

Dressed up for a dinner out.


20161125_18300220161125_191718Shopped at an amazing yarn place.img_20161126_134823

AND drove out of our way to an even more amazing wool place.img_20161127_131241

Oh yah I spent a little

Oh yah I spent a little

We even stopped in at a brewery for a tasting for Ken.20161126_144504

20161126_145307And visited the capital building.img_20161126_155637


ALMOST like back home.

ALMOST like back home.

It really was as good as people say!

It really was as good as people say!



Wisconsin = cheese of course

Wisconsin = cheese of course



The weather went from sundresses and sunshine to snow and snowboots.20161110_133413_hdr

img_20161103_165205img_20161109_152440img_20161118_202542img_20161123_093838We spent plenty of quality time at the YMCA.img_20161129_001509

img_20161114_185445img_20161116_19221020161112_113929And Ken and I went to an open house at Shandai and Ravyn’s new digs.20161112_155802

We found time for Home Depot.img_20161106_002011

Crocheted in spare moments.

Cat butt coasters!

Cat butt coasters!

Fingerless dragonscale gloves.

Fingerless dragonscale gloves.

Hats for cats!

Hats for cats!

The girls had their nails done by Nana.img_20161129_184624

And the twins pitched in with some baking.img_20161129_123128

We decorated our tree. img_20161130_164329

And watched our local black squirrel run our yard like a boss.img_20161107_180213


img_20161102_11400320161110_114009Can you believe we even found time for schooling.img_20161104_141811 img_20161108_155520img_20161115_160111

Prepping the Christmas countdown paper chain.

Prepping the Christmas countdown paper chain.

20161130_141557And a visit with the Schwartz family!img_20161118_234013

A trip to IKEA had us well lit and the girls in new beds. img_20161106_001855

img_20161106_231021November went by in a blink of an eye. But it was a fun blink!img_20161111_130831





Christmas decorations at the YMCA

Christmas decorations at the YMCA



Approving of April

Annnnnd on we go. April… Well of course April is Trinity’s birthday – 8 this year! You can read all about her special celebrations HERE. She is growing up so quickly… they all are!dscn15211

dscn15241imag2905We made if over to the Novaks in April as well. I swear I take more pictures of pets than kids when we are there though. Snoopy the cat is way too much fun to photograph.dscn15421

dscn15471img_20160430_204737I think we would live at the YMCA. I know we BASICALLY did over the summer. (oooh spoilers) I figure if we are to be gifted a membership by Nana and Baba we better make it worth their money! So lots and lots of pool fun over our spring this year.dscn15041

We are also getting in a lot of together time, often on my bed. Which is just fine. Planning school, crocheting, hanging out together. It is so special. dscn15401

Of course we made it to the Home Depot free Saturday. img_20160402_112251

And spent some lovely time with Nana and Baba during their time up from Florida.img_20160404_215029

The big kids even had a field trip to a radio station!imag2812

And best of all – fun trip to the zoo with our new homeschool buds!!! You can read all about it HEREimag2949

imag2939April was a mix of warm and cool weather but with so much fun going on I don’t think anyone minded. imag2840


March-ing Right Along…

And at a fairly brisk pace for once! I am determined to hit current BEFORE 2017 begins. Let’s see – March – creeping up on spring weather, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, my brother and my dad’s birthday month. Wow, thinking back that is quite the list of special days for our family.

Easter is always a bit of a deal. The girls get new dresses and hats if we can manage it. We go to church as a family, take photos, have a nice dinner… OH and the Easter baskets. This year we did our own egg hunt as well. The weather was far from perfect so we did it indoors. You just have to make it work, right?

At church

At church




Egg hunt

Egg hunt

dscn14891We had a fun and rather special craft… dragon eggs. Styrofoam and thumb tacks. All thanks to Nana. Even Echo got in on the fun, though then you had to glue down a few extra tacks to make sure nothing comes loose. dscn14691


We decorated traditional/conventional eggs as well.img_20160326_181006

Of course we did our monthly free Home Depot project.imag2615

Emanuel and I had to miss the scout’s mom and son dance so instead we went out to Mom and Son ONLY lunch at Dairy Queen! Talk about fun! dscn14791


Emanuel did make it to his Scout field trip to a police station. imag2712

We actually had a few good crafts this March. Marshmallow and toothpick structures.dscn14661

dscn14731dscn14771And making more relaxation bottles using glitter and glitter glue. Sparkle Sparkle!dscn14711

We even managed to get in a visit with the Novaks. dscn14651

And spent plenty of time at the YMCA.

Post swim curls

Post swim curls

Celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday with a themed lunch.imag2607

img_20160302_123854All in all a good month. This has really been a pretty good year as we look back! dscn14961




