Tag Archive | sock owls

Libraries, Slurpees and Other IES…

What day was Wednesday? FREE SLURPEE DAY! What were the kids way too excited about? SLURPEES! Though Trinity had a mini temper tantrum when she was told we had to (GASP) drive since once again it was raining. She got over her snit when we finally got to the 7-11. They were promoting their new cream soda flavour (which only Trinity even tried with her love of the pink)… so 7.11 oz slurpees were free to the first 1000 people. Even Echo got one (she shared with Daddy), but yours truly opted for the purchased version! 7.11 oz is just not enough for a fanatic like me! But just over 2.00 and everyone was happy… AWESOME. 


She shared with Ken

All of the girls

We made great time on our schoolwork today. Lots of additions  to our duo tangs depicting our adventures here in town… the free slurpee made its way in, the weather has continued to bring interest and of course FARMER BOY! It was quite the exciting chapter with a thwarted robbery and everything! 

No one had any interest in playing in the rain and although Ken took Zander for the walk in the morning in the evening it was just Gypsy and Ken and a good brisk run. I did, however, with Ken’s help, finish Trinity’s purse. I am planning on adding a strap like that to the other mini Hello Kitty purse I have for sale BUT the larger (9 inch) clutches will remain clutches. Trinity was over the moon with it and I am watching her to see how the strap holds up, it is made up of overlapping 6 inch half strips folded in half… I have them alternating the direction of the fold as well. 

All done

I have been in communication with our new minster at our church back in the city. Apparently we are a part of the service this week coming up that is for new members! I am so glad he took the time to email us as while we were planning on being there for Sunday School we often don’t stay for church as that is over 2 hours for the kids. We don’t have any concrete plans for our time in the city though we do not plan on going and then turning around and coming back. We still need to empty out the last of the stuff in the old van so it can be picked up by the kidney society for demolition for parts though. So I will have to sneak a peek into my mom’s closet to find something to wear. She had already found me an outfit to borrow for Saturday that may work for BOTH occasions.

We are working through our list of to-do’s… everyone was on pins and needles for it to stop raining so we can start walking around the lake etc etc. 

Today was LIBRARY day! We went as a family though Ken was feeling a little under the weather by the time we got there so it was more of a kid friendly trip. Two movies and a stack of books later and we are primed for some reading. I had to come back to the house and do some Facebook question and checking on the library catalogue to get some authors to return for tomorrow. There area few activities that are weekly there that we may drop in on during our remaining time in town as well.

In front of the library


All 4 kids worked on various school projects WILLINGLY for once! We have our ongoing duo tangs and even Emanuel gave doing the weather a go today but decided that keeping track of it was not his thing. Instead he drew a lovely picture of himself and Pocoyo in his scribbler to show something from his bedroom here. Trinity has a new workbook thanks to Grandma that has her working through the alphabet. And of course we worked on Farmer Boy. Tomorrow I am totally taking advantage of there being a printer in the house and hooked up WITH ink… time to print some more Farmer Boy sheets, stuff for our US unit (we start in June)… and the little simple cards to go with my hair clips. 

Gavin at work

The day was lovely after all that rain so in the evening (after grocery shopping) I sent all the kids outside to play with Gypsy. Trinity and Emanuel were my walk buddies in the morning and Ken did a nice jog with her after everyone went to bed. Apparently she really doesn’t pull when jogging at all! 

Backyard fun

Oh I picked myself up a special cup (on the suggestion of Kathy) at Superstore. It cost me 5.00 and I love it. 

New cup

I have to say we goofed on our shop. We got everything to make chicken caesar pitas as a special treat for the adults… except lettuce so I had a rather simple dinner… cheese, pickles and aged sausage. Noms.

Supper and book searching

So new books, lots of working on our special pages and discussion of the weather. A pretty good day, though there was SOME whining about tv and electronic games. We are working our hardest to keep that under control. I have finished what owls I can with the white felt I have on hand, I definitely need to pick up more to get the last of them done (and a few Hello Kitties). We are getting on with our life in a positive manner and THAT is a good feeling!

At play under Gypsy's supervision

Sunny Saturday

Now then, Saturday solo… a whole new can of worms really. I forgot to mention in the last entry but I did have the boys sitting down to do school work. We started with info about the area and mom and Mike. Address of the house, etc. There was some complaints but each of the twins has started his duotang for the time period we spend here. 

Gavin working on his mosaic piece

Gypsy relaxing on mom's bed... we closed their door after just to be sure she did not get shut in. She actually got much perkier once we got through the first day without them

Today’s schoolwork was tied in with one of our multiple walks. Of course not the first one… the first walk of the day was early. Though we had to wait for Trinity to wake up and all that before we could go. It was our first attempt with the stroller and the dog together. After some initial puppy confusion it was not too bad really. We did the same path that I did with Trinity and Emanuel the day before and found that by the time we got back to the house EVERYONE was cold and hungry. So time for breakfast! 

Out on the AM walk (Zander is on left)

After breakfast there was plenty of time for Saturday morning cartoons, playing, petting the dog and of course laundry. The kids all were able to scatter… or not… there were still some arguments and all but everyone is so much more relaxed. 

TV in the twins' room

Echo in one of her favourite cupboards at Grandma's

After 3 of the 5 kids napped we packed everyone minus dog back up and walked to the nearest gas station for… SLURPEES! We had to walk past a couple parks, checking out what is local AND cross the train tracks… hand holding buddies for safety of course. Each of the twins  takes one of the little ones. 

Slurpee walk, later to be immortalized in their duotangs

OH and our watermelon, eaten in pieces throughout the day

It is official though – Echo LOVES Pepsi slurpees… she is so much like her Mommy!!!

For the record, I blame my mom who hooked ME on the stuff before I was even one!!

That walk wiped us all out for the afternoon and put to serious question whether or not we would make our second walk with Gypsy BUT… we persevered and took ANOTHER route… this one around the nearest little park and into the trailer park area… a closed area that was quite interesting with its varied buildings and fronts. TWO gardens even had little beds of flowers… silk flowers! The kids were amazed. 

On the evening walk

Stopping to smell some of the REAL flowers

We did temporarily misplace a shoe (an Echo shoe) and had to backtrack to find it (which we did)… and of course when we got home there were some baths to have AND we managed to set up (via the iPad) a Skype with Daddy… though he did not have a camera. Add to that some crafting and it was a busy, full and FUN day. Though man was it tiring! So much walking and playing and settling of minor disputes. I am so glad I am NOT a single parent!

A little post walk play in the backyard

Owls on parade! all are going to the craft sale on the 9th!

So that was Saturday… and I am sure I will recount Sunday in great detail… tomorrow. Catching up is slow going when your days are full of kids, walks, dog and reorganization (so much room to go through each and everything and tidy it into better packing system… so pleased… can you feel my contentment with the SYSTEM in place????).

Girls with attitude

I love all this green

Oops Another Catch Up

And I am back in catch up mode… sorry all! Let’s go back to Tuesday… The sunshine keeps on coming which has totally worked in our favour. The boys are still resistant to doing work out in the sunshine but less so than in the house. We are still mainly focused on Farmer Boy and his adventures which is just fine with me. The newest one – Tin-Peddler. We have been working on a list of all the characters in the story… Mr. Nick Brown the peddler was our newest addition. 

Gavin and Zander

What interested Mommy was the statement that Almanzo knew that little boys could listen to adults conversing but NEVER interrupt by talking. The twins were less than enthused but I am hoping we can apply that nugget of knowledge at least to the point where we decrease interruptions by little pitchers with big ears.

Our actual visit to the green and park had to be sped along to just sitting by the park though. The city was cutting the green and that meant we couldn’t spread out our blanket and enjoy the sunshine before heading onto the park. Thankfully the grass around the park was already done and we could find a nice bit of grass to settle on.

The cause of our plan change

We made up for it with pop

The kids were a little disappointed that the little boys from Monday were not there but they managed. Sand is always a fun thing to be around after all and this park is kept rather clean.

They were making a mine apparently

I took my time in the sunshine to make some more stacked bows. It wasn’t too difficult once the kids finished their writing and discussing of the chapter, to spread out and work out some combinations. I completed all but the portions that require hot glue. 

Crafting in process

We spent hours out in the sun, luckily it was not as hot out as projected (26 Celcius) and a little overcast. We are all starting to see some lightening in out hair from the sun! 

At the park

That night it was my time to take Echo and go back to Karyn’s for our weekly visit. The plan WAS for one night but… anyway… after work Karyn AND Lauralee came and collected myself and Echo. Always a bit of a pain in the bum with the playpen to drag along AND the carset to install.

We kept it earlier since Karyn had to go to work crack of dawn the next day and I stayed up to watch a little Netflix after Karyn and Echo had gone to bed. That left Wednesday as a major crafting day. I brought with me the features and wings to 4 owls, some ribbon and a stack of felt to make into felt bows on bobby pins. Karyn and I had stopped Dollarama the night before where I found a solution to displaying everyone on our table. Lots of bright coloured plastic containers! I am looking forward to next week when Ken and I are going to head to the one local to my mom’s place and do some minor shopping. 1.00 a piece!!

With Netflix, only one kitty and some crafting time I really had a great day of it. Dare (actually spelled DERE oops but shall remain Dare for my word search count) even came out and hung around in public! I can’t say that he LIKES us, but he has gotten more used to us! And he and Echo seem to have somewhat bonded on their hatred of Karyn’s shop vac.

Cat in Public

We had planned on going back to Chris and Chris’ that night but Ken suggested we stay another… so a dinner of slurpees and 7-11 chicken and wedges was planned and a brief run to the Superstore for lunch the next day… then one load of laundry to cover diapers and we were set for a VERY lazy evening of chatting… once Echo went to bed of course! 

Baby in the sunshine

Baby on the balcony

Baby asleep... with Fat Sheep

So that was the first half of my week! Nothing extreme but some really great moments! 

GASP hedgehog!