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Happy St. Patrick’s Day All!

I have been a bad blogger this week and for that I must apologize. A combination of sick family (yes all 7 of us to some degree or another), Echo surgery anxiety and an end of the month “adventure” building up (to be disclosed by the end of the month, sorry) and blogging has completely slipped my mind. While I cannot guarantee that next week will be like. I hope to post at least SOMETHING before and after Echo’s surgery… 

Anyway… 3 days. Lets start with today just for fun! Well, we lucked out with our contact at a nearby town library. There was a Dr. Seuss party this weekend for the little ones. Perfect for our Trinity and Emanuel so Karyn, the two kids, myself and Victoria met up at the library to enjoy the party. Victoria works there some evenings and Saturdays as a second job. It is a beautiful building and their library program is amazing! I hope we can go back for more special events!

First it was storytime with TWO Dr. Seuss stories to enjoy. I love their little reading area with its fish in a tank and comfy reading chair!!!

The awesome reading corner

And then it was craft time… 3 crafts! There was a Cat in the Hat hat to create with paper, a t-shirt to colour (our 2 didn’t do a Seuss theme but amazing pieces of art all the same) and finally making a fish bowl using toothpaste and ziploc bags. I have some ideas to try this with other colours of paste for other projects! They smell REALLY minty!!

Assembling hat with Aunty Victoria

Decorating shirts

Toothpaste fishbowls

We stuck around for a little play time at the train set and picked out a few books to bring home and enjoy but Aunty Karyn is getting over a cold as is our Trinity so it was time to head back to town with Aunty Victoria along for the rid! We have missed her, it has been some time since we have had a nice visit. 

The plan for the day – a Green Food Snack/Potluck party for St. Patrick’s Day. We had a lovely variety of goodies including our now basically complete pot of gold. We still need to paint the inside and attached the base legs with hot glue. I figured people would rather NOT have black paper all over their chocolate loonies. 

Pot of Gold

I made some special greenish bread the night before in the breadmaker with 5-6 drops of food colouring put in when the beeping occurs to add in nuts etc. I think I needed to double that but I was worried about changing the flavour. Definitely a conversation starter!

There were green grapes, celery, green jello, Irish Potato Soup (directions to follow in another blog sorry! Have too much to type already for this one!), scalloped potatoes and sugar cookies cut like 4 leaf clovers. All in all a good spread.

After the snacking

Kristen, Fydo and Lauralee rounded out our gathering and we had a great time snacking, chatting, reading books with the kids (Lauralee is Trinity’s FAVOURITE storyteller right now). It was a lovely and restful way to spend an overcast afternoon. We wore green, ate green snacks and chatted. Lovely.

Of course we had to take our yearly picture of the kids in green. We did a 4 and 1 thing as Echo was not overly interested in photography. She actually had a DIFFERENT outfit to wear but… OUTGREW IT!!! MILESTONE!!! Our Echo is starting to out grow 6-9 month clothing! SCORE!

Little goofs!

A slightly cranky baby

Now for YESTERDAY… well, another rough day for yours truly feeling rather overdone with the knowledge that Echo is to have surgery so soon… BUT we managed to continue on. The twins and I wrote up information and interesting things we learned about Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day on a special page. I did the writing they did the dictating. They actually retained an awful lot! And then there were the adorable Leprechauns the little ones finished with me! I thought they were so cute, out of a file a friend sent me (thank you again!!). If you want to check out my Education.com collection for St. Patrick’s Day for next year be sure to click HERE.


And Emanuel's

BUT late morning She Chris came by between clients at work to take me out to get lunchtime groceries (I think Trinity would have lynched me if I had made noodles for one more meal this week!). We managed to get quite a bit at Walmart for under 15.00. We also stopped by her work for a bit so I got to meet some of her co-workers and superiors. All very nice people and quite entertaining. 

Then in the late afternoon Kathy came for a visit. She forced me out the door sans kids and treated me to some most delicious Umi Sushi Express, a little wander around Walmart and an evening of positive thinking and chitty chat. Just what this worn out and worried momma needed. I truly am blessed in the friends I have met through out my life. 

Another special friend moment! Kristen over after work for a visit!

We have accomplished a lot with our little family and I just KNOW there is more to come. I am going to spend the rest of my year and my life creating more adventures for us to have, not more ordinary trips to places I think it is time to make EVERYTHING an adventure! I am going to do something special just for Echo’s surgery. We have our facilitator meeting in April and I am hoping to find the time to go through what we HAVE done (the big stuff) and find pictures of some of the things we could not save to show him to put with the stuff they completed. Definitely something I want to do as we do it for next school term! A sort of added scrapbook page for everything, especially with adding Emanuel into the mix officially!

I would love it if any of my readers, friends and family would weigh in on anything we have done since about October that is noteworthy that I should look for pictures of! Give me another perspective! You can leave a comment here, email me at rosereinsch@gmail.com… catch me on Facebook as Lisa Reinsch-Johnson (be sure to tell me who you are and why you are friending me if you are not friended yet), msn or Twitter! Whew that is quite the list! OH or call me, txt me or.. GASP.. tell me in person! 

That brings me back further to Thursday and a rather miserable day… sadly none of us were in the mood BUT we managed workbooks, some more St. Patrick’s day related stuff AND some together time. Lots of hugs, cloths for runny noses and moments of cute Echo time. I have been sneaking in even MORE cuddles lately, though one morning Ken found me crying and Echo crying in the middle of the kitchen floor. She had bonked and I had fallen to pieces. Thank goodness Ken was there to gather us up and remind us that this is all going to be OK! 


We have managed to have a memorable half of the weekend… and I have plans for next week, well sort of… (She) Chris is going to watch the other 4 while we are in the city, we are taking (He) Chris’ car to ensure we get there in one piece and on time (do we ever love these two!) and we are staying the night on the Tuesday at the den Otter’s… not to mention all the local friends who will be on call! What a wonderful network we are blessed with! On top of that we are moving out tv upstairs (that is another thing, the owners finally came and checked out the leak – caused by their improper installing of the dishwasher so there is a hole in my basement ceiling right now) and the Wii for the kids and hope that things go smoothly. 



And more Echo

A Return to the World Outside of These Walls

Well some VERY good news today – first off – back two entries ago I wrote about my dad – well I talked HIM this morning and he sounds great! He is ready to go home by tomorrow and is aware of the lifestyle changes he needs to take on once he gets there. I was so glad to be able to hear is voice and give him the “Daddies Need to Look After Themselves” lecture. I cannot tell you what a relief it was to actually talk to him… to hear FROM HIM that he was ok. I hope to talk to my whole family down in South Carolina when dad is home safe and sound. Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts, prayers and love! 

The finished cards

With the above message comes the OTHER good news – we are back on the grid! Phone and internet duly connected. If  you NEED our house number please Facebook, Twitter, comment here or email rosereinsch@gmail.com and I will try and get it to you! There was a bit of an issue this morning as when they made our appointment for hook up they did not make it all the way! So Ken had to go and call (on the cell phone OUCH) and sit on hold and bark them out… thankfully he got results and potentially some cash off for the first month as that certainly cost us a bit on our cell phone. Hold for 2 min meant hold for 24!! Can you imagine how NOT happy Ken was?  With the usual “Ken is involved so there is a fuss” fuss we are now hooked back up… oh the nirvana of being able to check my email, go on Facebook, etc etc all from home again.

And the family is settling back down to where we should be… Math was done this afternoon with two VERY focused little boys!  Our morning PRE internet and phone was spent in a dance frenzy… one of the toys that plays songs on one of its settings was found during my silent home cleaning and was put to GREAT use… I love the action pictures! There was dancing solo, group dancing, bums wiggling, arms flailing… it was FUN! 


With spinning

In the afternoon the kids went out and made what they were calling a ladybug world. Apparently they are out full force and the kids are not the least bit scared of them. I did have to call Zander in after he once again talked to our neighbour in the next building over. It is a combination of him almost harassing the poor neighbour every time he steps out of his door AND Zander so willingly chatting away with any stranger he meets. Although it may not help that the man has an uncanny resemblance to my dad! I am trying to work with him on focus and concentration… he chatters so that he gets tuned out in the end and as an outlet will talk to ANYONE. So we are working on saving things up and waiting til there is moment to chat and THEN talking. It will take time we just need to be as patient as possible and explain to him until he understands the dangers of talking to strangers.

So many ladybugs

Gavin worked really hard today sitting side by side with yours truly while we worked on our craft projects – me cutting out the needed parts for 3 Felties and him on his cross stitch. He finished it! Zander worked on his as well but is not there yet… I am a VERY proud Mommy. After all they are BOTH interested in a craft that is near and dear to me.

All done!

Now that we have our internet back Ken is back to working at home which is a relief to the entire family. Trinity quite seriously told me that she didn’t like Daddy leaving to work as she missed him. We are a family that works best together, though we CAN handle being separated. I think that is one of the reasons that homeschooling works so well for us, we all love to learn together!

Tomorrow should be another busy day. We have to start calling all the places that need our new phone number, I am determined to get more tidying done… start the boys back with a more regimented schedule AND start back on my research. We have possums to look into after all. I hope to have some more Feltie pictures to share this weekend… I have finished a nice selection and hope to take some fun photos if I can find a spare moment and a good patch of sun.

Enjoying the music


I have become aware, over the years, that Ken is NOT the luckiest man on the planet… I mean he IS lucky – look at our family and our life (we BOTH are lucky) but when it comes to bills and random events… they do happen TO him a lot. Thus why there was NO post, NO email and NO Twitter from yours truly for the bulk of the weekend! Yup, Shaw strikes again. To be fair, we TRUSTED them… but on the flip side – THEY are the ones who can’t seem to figure out how to work out a new account in a new location that is connected to an old account. And of course they come on a SATURDAY! When the bank cannot help us, Ken was less than impressed to be sure! So an entire weekend with no landline, internet or tv (Netflix)… what is a mommy to do? Well… CLEAN!
Best place to start – the kids’ rooms. Trinity’s has been crying out for a good full out tidy for over a week now so Gavin and I sat down and did it. She has so many kitties, dollies and other random things that it is difficult to truly put everything away but we did our best. Bedding was changed, toys resorted, papers that apparently MUST BE KEPT were stacked relatively neatly on the dresser… I give it one, maybe two days BUT it made it possible to do a good vacuum.

Clean but busy and somewhat cluttered... just how she likes it!

Emanuel’s was next and included his personal “junk drawer.” He is not horrible about keeping things once questioned but he does like his bits of paper. I do love his room, it is so… snuggly though I want to change the curtains to something a bit bigger that covers the whole window and we plan on getting him a smaller mattress (his bed he had at the old place simply does NOT fit in the room but the new mattress is not the highest priority… he LIKES it the way it is I am often told).

Ok so his bedding was in the wash but tidy!

We completed our quick but thorough clean with the twins’ room… Kijiji items were reboxed to clear up their closet, drawers and boy made hiding places cleared and put away. Their room is not huge but they do manage A LOT of hiding places!

I still need some shelving in here ... and curtains!

Crafting is always easier without distractions… and with not even the tv (beyond movies we already have and boo on those this weekend… not in the mood) to do the deed I was free and clear – around kid issues and such – to do as much as I wanted! First project – refurbishing a dress Trinity was given in a set of handmedowns from another homeschooling family. It is a lovely blue velvet, mom already repaired the ribbon base border it was just up to me to do the rose removal and replacement. Not the easiest task as I have misplaced my stitch ripper and the manufacturer felt TAPING them on as well was a good idea!! So no matter how sad these flowers looked they were definitely on for the long haul.
After ripping out the flowers I went through my ribbon collection to decide on the stacked bow to use. It is a hard choice sometimes as some of my favourite ribbon does not have enough left to refurbish a dress AND make a matching hairthing but I found a premade (by yours truly) hairthing that was laying around in my finished box and enough ribbon to mimic the colour scheme enough to match. I am always surprised at how much ribbon I have and yet not the colour/pattern/theme that I want at the time.

So much tape

Time consuming as it was it was rather MY fault on that point – I chose to use the 1/8th inch brown as I was out of the 1/4 inch brown I had used in the hair thing I was basing this on. The 1/8th is just that little bit too slippery when it comes to making the last bow easily. But I am rather happy with the finished look!

With matching hair thing (on left)

Breaks with working with ribbons lead to bread being made in the breadmaker, dishes being done AND my plastic storage containers cupboard being tidied (I even matched lids with containers… and as per the rules of the world found at least ONE container without lid and vice versa).
With one dress done it was time to move onto the other. This one had an iron mark on it (mom got it at her store for a song due to the damage), I am rather sure I showed it before… anyway no before picture… just an after! This one was done entirely on Trinity’s preference! She wanted PINK… I figured (and with Karyn’s texted urging) it best to go with her choice and it actually wasn’t half bad! But then who doesn’t love a pink butterfly?

The back with flaw covered


Front with tiny butterflies

That reminds me of a couple crafts I completed Friday night. First of all – a duct tape rose! You can find the instructions for this on YouTube and all over the place. I watched this onespecifically… apparently he consistently adds new ideas and tutorials so I am 

Looks great from the top... just don't look at the side.

And then there is the much awaited and beyond adorable – sock owl!! I made this sweety out of 2 pairs of Dollarama fluffy leggings. Not the best choice as the socks shed dreadfully when you cut them BUT it worked out in the end. We stuffed him with an old shirt of Ken’s that was on its way to the bin anyway, cut up into tiny strips. His face was all felt scraps and I used DMC floss for all the hand stitching. I am looking forward to making a plethora of these. After all if the heel runs out of the sock it is still owl material! I have a BabyLeg that is missing its buddy that I am debating sacrificing for the owl cause. It could be a lovely Christmas present for Trinity made out of something she wore as a baby!


We had a second set of wings to try out (someone else read the tutorial and did it slightly different). I would love opinions on the two variations. Ken loves the second version with the vertical wings.

Wings of choice and further cuteness...

Now continuing the lack of internets theme I also did some scrapbooking… this time a series of Echo pictures. I have the same shirt in blue for Emanuel and another in pink for Trinity as they were ALL born at the same hospital. The twins were supposed to be but when I showed up in an ambulance at 29 weeks they passed me along as fast as they could to a better equipped hospital for preemies.


I got my laundry done – including bed linens on ALL beds (yay!!), even the quilt we took camping that was sitting waiting on getting into the washer. This machine is smaller than the one previous so that quilt is a solo wash. I am seriously thinking that once a month we need an internet free day for the whole family! Though Ken did do work and then go to where he could get wi-fi and upload it.
…and back to crafting… and a new craft for you to try out as well – chalkboard coasters! First is the necessary hunt for 4X4 inch ceramic tiles (or in the case of the ones I got – 3 3/4 inches squared???). I tried Freecycle first but it ended up being the local Restore(Habitat for Humanity) that had them at 25 cents a piece. And then of course the chalkboard paint… and felt scraps you can cut down to the same size as your tiles for backing. Follow the instructions on the can (and the site linked HERE) and 2 coats later – COASTERS! Trust me this will only be the BEGINNING of things I plan on spraying with this stuff… not nearly as awesome of duct tape it DOES have its place in crafting in this house now!




I forgot to mention last entry but we THINK Echo said her first word on Friday – Mama! the M sound HAS been her favourite for ages so not a huge surprise but super cute. So proud of her, she is standing alone for more and more short bursts now too… Ken is just dying for her to start walking with this tiny stature.

Sitting like a little lady

There have been some Fat Sheep updates lately, I hope everyone has been checking them out! There is quite the backlog of interesting incidents and adventures so there will definitely be more action on the site this month. I think the latest installment is the final piece in the wedding saga! Don’t mind that the links are odd… Ken is still working on sorting out why the site has decided to show my addy first and then add on the tag to the site. We are still on the look out for more adventures for Fat Sheep to have. This summer she has crossed off TONS and the list is looking a little sparse! So email me or leave a message on Fat Sheep’s Twitter, site or Facebook account!
Today was Sunday School – their first real session. Ken took the boys as Echo and Trinity were no where near ready when it was time to go (slow breakfast for Miss T ending in oatmeal in here hair!), instead we played in Trinity’s room and the girls had a bath.

Sunbathing in the bedroom

A third variation on the owl to share as well… I think we are rather happy with the second set of wings, now here he is with separate eyes.

Ken likes these eyes best

We hope to have the internet etc sorted out tomorrow but no promises. Either way, when Ken is able to check and do whatever he needs to do he does check my email for me! So it won’t be forever, but I doubt there will be a blog entry tomorrow. Either way we will be keeping busy here os when there IS an entry to share it will definitely be full of going and coming and all sorts of fun stuff!

Jr. Princess

This entry was posted on 18/09/2011, in Uncategorized. 4 Comments