Tag Archive | Umi Sushi Express

Mid Week is in Sight

Well technology really IS a fickle thing. Ken borrowed (he) Chris’ cell last night to call Telus to ask them why when we attempt to call our home number it says out of service… and they did not know! We are paid up to date, we have no account issues, there is NO reason… so of course they are working as best they can to resolve it we were told with a ticket off to one department and a tech to come by on Thursday (yes THURSDAY!). Ken just shook his head and wondered aloud why all this technological crap happens to HIM. I swear he attracts these issues some how! So sorry if you tried to call us yesterday… Thankfully we woke up to the issue resolved. Ken is very aggressive when there is an issue with our technology… something about it being necessary for his work… he says with a roll of his eyes. 

In returning out livingroom to a non-Christmas status I have come to realize that we have made even more space with the turning of our sofa to block the non working fireplace. Granted I used to stow boxes behind the couch and in the schooling area for easy access for the kids BUT this is much more useful. The boys had out their Legos  yesterday (as can be seen by the last picture in the entry of Gavin’s flowers) and it was a simple thing to eyeball whether or not all Legos has been picked up (of course they hadn’t but that was also easily resolved with some stern words). 

In moving the tree I did finally make it back under my upstairs desk to peruse the workbooks. I have been collecting, from various sources, any and all I can get my hands on and I have a little stack of grade 2 books sitting down there. I am going to go through them this week and see if we can use any to review or supplement what we are already doing. 

Each of the twins worked their way through a second level Bob book with minimal help! Zander had to be reminded that OK was simply O-K… and Gavin did try to guess a word but we made it through. Makes me feel like this year is really heading somewhere. I think when we do our reading week ONE book minimum will be a self read book instead of just me reading to them. Get them reading to the whole family out loud to receive some honest praise and excitement. 

It is going to be the year of the Dragon this year for Chinese New Year, so I have started searching for  some worksheets. The boys have decided it will be a poster for CNY and a lapbook for the solar system. Emanuel and Trinity already coloured their own dragons this morning. 

Year of the Dragon

We had random craft time today with the foam pieces mom sent home with us at Christmas. Each kid created something, no limitations, just that they cleaned up when they were done!!

Crafty chaos

Still with their minds on Christmas!

Tonight was a night out for Ken and myself (and Echo in tow)… dinner at the food court (Umi Sushi Express and Arby’s) and then some shopping at LaSenza… nothing fancy but taking advantage of a good sale on underwear! Picked up some groceries on the way home, dropped books off at the library and then back we were. Nothing crazy but certainly fun and relaxing. 

I love the little bags

There is more research to be done for our coming interest… Chinese New Year to determine and of course a multitude of doctor appointments. Tomorrow Echo goes for some blood work and her hand x-ray with Ken, then Friday is Ken’s physical… the following week is the cardiologist follow up and then the week after THAT is Zander’s follow up on his eye… and then I think we are good until February and Echo’s 1 1/2 yr and my yearly. Joy. 

On a positive note, I ended my day winning a contest on Facebook for a salve that is sold by a cloth diaper company called Rump Arounds. Be sure to check them out! Apparently they are local so they are going to just drop my prize in my mailbox! That just leaves some more crafting to be done tonight, after all the Tinker Bell afghan is not going to stitch itself. Though I hope to NOT be up past 1 am working on a counting error like last night!!! 

We found ONE baby she can carry... Trinity's dolly, I wish there was some way other than Pamper's Points to get another. I simply am NOT amassing them anymore!

This entry was posted on 04/01/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Crafty Day

We tried something different today… I READ them the math questions (of a Christmas theme you can find HERE) and the boys worked on lined paper to write the equations out and then solve them. It was a little slow going but they were both proud of finishing and worked hard to do so! Although working at the same table caused a few moments of stress when one or the other got the answer first and was so excited that they blabbed it!!

With so much energy and a brisk but sunny day we broke the group into two and the twins went outside to dig in the snow with their shovels! 

Busy boys

That left the other two to colour. Emanuel is working on a centerpiece for the party on the weekend. 

Busy colouring

It is a two craft day for the family. First is ELF HATS! We are gluing instead of sewing but each kid is making one that we are going to hang on the tree on Christmas Eve for the elves to put some treats in! 

Completed hat

The second is the snowmen I linked yesterday. The kids basically did the features on theirs. Aren’t they cute? 3 of the kids did hanging versions and one a “holding” snowman. Zander decided that HIS should be a gift to ECHO! So she has her very own special 2011 ornament made by her brother.

A proud completion

My date with Ken was postponed due to issues on Colorado (joy) so instead I went out for dinner (Umi Sushi Express) and then some shopping with Lauralee and Karyn. Sadly though the food was totally delicious… the clothing shopping went without success. Ken has promised me to alert his multiple contracts to being unavailable tomorrow so that we CAN go out and about together. I am still hoping on finding the right top for Sunday’s party, or at the very least, showing Ken a dress I tried on at Winners. 

Practicing to become the Little Drummer GIRL

Tonight was Emanuel’s time again. We read the print out about the origins of Christmas… the portion about baby Jesus, we skipped the history of Santa for obvious reasons! 

Reading with Daddy

Tonight marks the end of my gift creating marathon. I put today as my cut off date to ensure a more enjoyable final countdown to Christmas day. I am already keeping an eye peeled for new crafting ideas… for It’s a Hoot Etsy and Facebook AND for gift giving next year. I do love sharing something handmade. It honestly feels more genuine when I can hand something to someone and say I made this for YOU. And here is my video! I was going to post the Rudolf video but Disney had it shut down! It ran this morning!! Crazy!

Ending the Week Onto the Weekend

We have FINALLY completed our tree picture frame crafts… I figure we will either have some art made to fill them or print out some pictures. VERY sparkly (due to the rhinestones I bought at Dollarama) and very fun to make. You can find the instructions for these here. Very simple and the kids enjoyed all the steps. Though we DID exchange corks for cardstock and string hangers out of necessity.

Two of the trees

 The 9th day of Advent had a penguin theme! I had to giggle a little at the colour by number (black and orange). Penguins are a favourite around here… after all Emanuel wanted to be one for Halloween and the kids do love a good penguin show or story. 

The 10th day of Advent we coloured a train station and I had DOUBLE the laminating as I slacked off on Friday night – with good reason I am sure you will ALL agree (and why this is a two day post after my careful daily Advent storytelling…). We had our SECOND mini Christmas get together – though this one spans the whole weekend! We started Friday with She Chris getting into town, stopping by and then going out to look at some local rentals (they are moving here too!!). We went to the mall, shopped and had lunch. We tried a new place – Umi Sushi Express… YUM and the portions are lovely. (I actually had my leftovers for lunch today!)

Mini Bento

My date

After shopping and eating and hanging out we headed back to the house to put miss Echo to nap AND to meet up with Kathy. After some visiting (and some owls chosen to fly the nest! 5 in fact!) Kathy, Karyn and I went back out – this time with TRINITY in tow and did a bit of shopping… gotta get those stocking stuffers for Ken after all! Then it was back for chili with the Chris’ plural. AND our first received Christmas presents of the year! I was told I HAD TO open mine Friday instead of waiting until Sunday… time sensitive! Talk about a surprise… I will let the picture speak for itself!

Ta.... Da!!!

The kids were excited to open THEIR first presents – the cutest ever pillow/toys!!! We have a bumblebee, panda, ladybug, dolphin and puppy. EVERYONE was happy! And KEN got a bag full of chocolates and a camera case to fit my camera (we are sharing my gift). 

Snuggly presents

There was more fun to be had and this time – KID FREE! Kathy had won a gift certificate to Moxie’s for her Halloween costume this year (I think she won LAST YEAR as well!) from work so we took that, She Chris’ van and all the womenfolk and headed off for a visit. (new camera in tow of course!) We decided to each pick an appetizer and then go nuts! Let’s see… dry ribs, salt and pepper wings, sweet potatoe fries and something called Med-Bread… lots of dips to try and even a couple of drinks… So much fun and with the gift certificate the most affordable fancy meal out I have had in ages!!


Pretty drinks


Today She Chris and I went out for a little shopping… I am down to 2 pairs of pj’s to buy… I brought home a craft for the kids – making bell necklaces with a Christmas theme to make up for Ken working the whole day so he can have tomorrow off. Though those bells sound like the set of bells I put on our front door so I kept thinking someone was coming in..


So there has been visiting, snacking, presents… so much fun! And tomorrow is the kids’ Christmas pageant! The twins know their portion of the bible passage pretty well and the little ones their lines… the camera is primed and ready to video and Chris and Chris have theirs to take photos. So we should be all good! 


And cuz it is just too cute

I figure with TWO days of Advent we need TWO videos… so I am going to end today’s installment with one the KIDS loved… note I said the KIDS!