Well not much to discuss for a Monday in July… But I have managed to get a nice amount done on the stocking I am stitching for one of the Novak boys (our godson’s youngest brother). I am planning on working on this particular project for another day or two exclusively before moving onto the 3 simpler projects I am planning for my brother and his family for Christmas. These 3 have to be self designed though I am thinking my brother’s will be more the saying and maybe a VERY simple top and bottom border. Thankfully Ken has come up with a simple way to take the block lettering I prefer for these projects and do it on the computer. Sadly I won’t be able to post them on here until AFTER Christmas but at least they will be done and sorted to be framed as gifts well in time!

I am hoping to make a nice and complete list in the next week or so of the people we plan on sending/giving gifts to for Christmas this year. It is my plan to once again make most of our gifts… only this time I want to head over to Michaels with the kids when we have the spare funds to pick out some projects for them to make for friends and family. Maybe this year we will make ornaments and bake cookies! I know Zander in particular has asked me a couple of times if I am going to MAKE him a gift this year. I hope that sentiment never changes, there is nothing more heart warming than a thankful recipient of a gift I have made by hand! There are other options like special mini albums or scrapbooks for godparents and grandparents… and kitted up projects for the kids in our lives so they can make their OWN little item. I definitely will be sharing my ideas here in the future!

So the stocking pattern I have chosen is called Christmas Surprise Stocking and is part of the Stoney Creek collection.

Christmas Stocking

Christmas Stocking

I have been working on this pattern since soon after we returned from Minnesota.. granted with breaks while I worked on some other small projects… this has been my focus and I am aiming for an October finish date!

Work To Date!

Work To Date!

Our plan for tomorrow is to make a sun out of footprints! I will post the link later with the pictures from the site I found the pattern on. We also plan on heading out to a produce store and maybe even FINALLY getting a start on the zoo scrapbook I have all the supplies for from our trip to the local zoo way back in December! The weather projected for the week is warm to hot so it is not looking too favourable. It really does take a rainy day to get the kids interested in any craft project that takes more than a few minutes!

So Ken and the twins made it to the library to see the police dog and the two wee ones and myself headed out for our own little walk. My raspberries are starting to turn red but the apples are not yet ready. The onesĀ  that fell off from the storm are bitter as can be and tiny so a bit of a wait yet to go. So while the larger world is not exactly happy happy joy joy for our little family there are plenty of lovely moments to savour when I head off to bed tonight… and in the end isn’t that what is important?

Bedtime Prayer With Trinity, Zander and Emanuel

Bedtime Prayer With Trinity, Zander and Emanuel

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