Vegetables and a Walk to the Post Box

Today was an exciting day for the kids. The twins started their morning making the number 7 and then drawing 7 of  things… they were quite creative about it really! Zander was copying some of his images from the number banner I picked up at Dollarama and though Gavin copied Zander and made “7 grass” he also went his own way and made 7 flowers. It is so nice to not only have them do exactly what I asked but enjoy it as well!

Zander and Gavin's 7 of Things

Zander and Gavin's 7 of Things

After they did the number 7 the day was just too pleasant to keep them tied to the table so I tossed all 3 boys outside to play. Definitely NO complaints there! Ken and I decided to take the kids to an all produce store called H & W Produce… so before lunch we headed over there. It is a really neat place with tons of options and VERY good prices. For a little over 20.00 we came home with a bag of potatoes, garlic cloves, a bag of apples (they has multiple kinds all for 99 cents a lb… we got red delicious), two packages of snap peas, bananas (amazing price of 47 cents a lb!), a cantaloupe, a bag of romaine lettuce  and a bag of onions. I signed up online for their weekly flyer to watch for sales and will DEFINITELY be going back! The boys were amazed by it all and it gave us the opportunity to talk about variety and the fact that all this great food was grown on a farm by farmers.

Trinity, Zander, Gavin and Emanuel at the Produce Store

Trinity, Zander, Gavin and Emanuel at the Produce Store

Lunch was a simple affair and then quiet/nap time.  Sadly our afternoon fell apart a little. Zander and Gavin were playing Legos and when told to clean them up proceeded to play around and now are grounded off of said Legos for a month (this is NOT the first time they have done something like that!) I am hoping this will make a REAL impression on them as Legos are a favourite and get them to realize that they DO need to follow through on tasks when Mommy and Daddy tell them to… the joys of stubborn children!

We did one more family activity today… Ken finished up a birthday card for my nephew Jimmie and we packed up everyone and headed off to the post box. There isn’t a post box close to us so we did have to go a couple of city blocks to get to one but it was great exercise. Trinity and Emanuel rode in the wagon and the big boys walked. We checked out all the trees with their branches broken from the storm and enjoyed the sun. By the time we got home everyone was ready for dinner and then soon after bed.

The only problem is our walk wore out Ken and myself enough that our evening plans of cleaning and lawn mowing are out the window and TOMORROW we plan on heading off to another fountain to meet up with Chris and Chris again. This time after 6pm so if anyone is on their way to the Leg let me know BEFORE we leave (no cell phones) and we will plan to meet up! We would love to see you!!!!



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