Making the Most of a Tuesday

So what is  true love? Is it flowers and candy? Remembering dates? Opening the car door for you? NO you know what true love is? It is when your beloved logs off a WoW instance to spend quality time with you! Talk about a sacrifice… well maybe not a sacrifice but for the wife of a gaming man… THAT is the sign of love! Good bye WoW widow hello #1 in the house again! I kid I kid.

A large chunk of Ken’s day was spent at our local government office with the hope that if they add their voice to his we may FINALLY get our issues resolved with the division of the government we have been dealing with for about 5 months now. Fingers crossed as they agreed that we should NOT have to wait so long for things to be sorted and monies to be given. But there went basically his WHOLE afternoon and put off my plans for stew tonight. Which is fine, just means stew TOMORROW night. Slow cooker of course, so that we can have everyone fed before Ken has to head off to his weekly meeting. Second session since last Wednesday was Remembrance Day so they were not scheduled to meet.

I am pleased to report that I managed to finish all the cross stitching required for my newest project and it looks like I will be heading over to my mom’s this weekend to have her help me learn how to stitch a frill or lace on a pillow so that is looks its best. No pictures will be posted until AFTER it is delivered.

The boys started their newest project – PENGUINS! Now, I am rather sure there are NOT penguins at the local zoo BUT I figure we can still pack everyone up and go and talk about how other zoos take care of penguins and see the other animals. P is for Penguin! Now  to just get that pesky insects lapbook done. The free download for this week for Currclick is the B is for Boat. So once I get my toner replaced (darn thing!) I plan on printing out everything we need for that and trying to do a lapbook in a day. I am keeping my eyes peeled for other single letter books to keep the interest in learning to read thriving.

P is for Penguin You Know!

P is for Penguin You Know!

Of course we have continued our random dinosaur fun. Today I printed off a puzzle from a set of files my sister in law sent me last year. I have greatly depleted (pretty much down to ONE sheet) my 8 1/2 by 11 white cardstock so we made do with pink. The boys are in love with puzzles of all varieties so any time we can find a puzzle they can make themselves they are very impressed.

Dinosaur Puzzle .... in Pink

Dinosaur Puzzle .... in Pink

Tonight and last night we had a house guest – Sean. He had some vehicle problems yesterday and brought his computer over so today he is staying another night. It is nice to have another adult in the house in the evening to visit with.



Sadly Trinity and I missed our Library class… with Ken’s trip to the gov office it totally slipped our mind, but thankfully there is another 4 classes to go to. And I have filled out the new family agenda as much as I can with all our events so we won’t miss out on anything. Good thing since FRIDAY is FINALLY Emanuel’s hearing test – since he was assessed for language they do the hearing regardless of the outcomes.

Hopefully the Weather Remains Lovely! (Gavin)

Hopefully the Weather Remains Lovely! (Gavin)

Tomorrow is our first official “Finishing Day” – once a week we want to have our day to “get things done” and Wednesday seems to be it! Tonight I am working on even more cards, hopefully another cross stitch and some Perler bead pieces. Oh and getting better set up for the rest of November school wise! Wish me luck.

Starting a Love of Books Young

Starting a Love of Books Young

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