Well we received the money the government had been promising to come through on FINALLY! Don’t get me wrong… Ken is going to have to lodge a formal complaint BUT, the huge weight is off our shoulders! And the smile on Ken’s face when he waited until he was running out to 7-11 to get me a slurpee and just nonchalantly tosses that nugget of information out to the universe… what a man!

So today was another high nausea day. Not much appetite but I did my best. And today I began the task of stitching Baby #5’s stocking. I still need to source out the patterns and possibly the simpler stockings (ones with a lovely top cuff where you do your decorating) for two others – one for Baby Quinn (Trinity’s birthday buddy) and one for my nephew Jimmie. A wee bit labour intensive. I am looking forward to getting the pattern from Ken for my Cousin’s baby that I promised for January… Then there is the laundry list I already have for 2010 that I want designed and/or stitched for multiple reasons.

Well It's a Start!

Well It's a Start!

The boys and Ken got to work today on the Winter and Christmas lapbooks. The goal is to finish AT LEAST one tomorrow. I am determined to get the boys working on telling time in the new year… though we are still working on a comprehensive list of what we plan on covering over January and February.

Hard at Work (Gavin sweater)

Hard at Work (Gavin sweater)

So it is time to see how far we can stretch our left over turkey… the boys have had turkey this and that – I think last night was turkey, potatoes and cheese. I am thinking something along the line of a good soup… maybe a casserole using turkey and rice… waste not want not right? We still, thanks to Santa, have a ham in the freezer that I want to play around with next week – maybe a quiche or some omelettes now that we found a recipe that is pretty fail safe.

I am debating the use of my Christmas money… Ken already spent his, managing to get an AWESOME deal on a netbook which will be ever so helpful with both work and play. I am thinking of maybe spending a wee bit on maternity clothes, maybe some books… It is hard when one has spent over half a year scraping pennies for the kids to spend on one’s self. And I definitely do NOT want to spend the majority on maternity wear…

On top of all the upcoming excitement one of my cousins – the next oldest after my brother – on my mom’s side is getting married this spring! SO I have to figure out some sort of sampler to do up for her to commemorate the special event. This will be the second wedding (my brother eloped) on my mom’s side in my generation. Very exciting.

Hmm other than that the past few days have been super quiet for our little family which is just what we seemed to need! I still need to find homes for a few of the new toys and we need to find the booster seats for the van for the twins but life is smoothing out thankfully. My dr’s appointment is a week away as is Ken’s next group therapy. It is hard to believe 2009 is coming to a close but frankly, for us, it is about time. I am determined to make 2010 be one of our best years yet!

Settling in With a Good Book or Two

Settling in With a Good Book or Two

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