Beginning a New Week Still Van Free

I don’t know how familiar people are with the idiom “handed on a silver platter” but it is one that has come to mind often in the past almost year and a half of ups and downs. What does it mean – to have something handed to you on a silver platter? Well, pretty much to have something given to you without effort or work, without you having to fight for said thing. There are days when it FEELS like most everyone around us is experiencing (to some degree) that silver platter phenomena. When it feels like everything we DO have has been fought for so strongly, taken so long, never instant always “we will get there.”

But there is a flip side to the silver platter in my mind – the tarnishing of it. After all silver WILL tarnish if you leave it out. How many of those things  that are handed to people do they truly appreciate? I have a huge sense of satisfaction when I look at what we DO have because I KNOW we earned these things, we have worked hard on our family, our home and our children. There is a sense of satisfaction (after the fact) that I KNOW we earned all this… that is something that can’t be taken away from us BUT I know I wouldn’t say NO to a few silver platters myself. Funny how sometimes you just wish to have it simple but KNOW it has to be harder to truly matter.

Mondays are always a little hectic for us. Ken has to have his time on the pc to set up his week, answer emails… etc etc… the kids are settling down after a busy weekend and (this Monday at least) I am dealing with a late night. BUT they managed to do their morning check list and then set to work on their worksheets.

At the table (Zander purple)

Later on I sat Zander and Gavin down each on their page, one to do math and the other to do English and use the two now completed mini offices. The majority of the English mini office print offs were found here. I am already seeing success with the mini offices… they love having the reference and are doing things a little more independently already!  Next will be a science one… but not for a little while.

The English mini office is the pink one (Gavin yellow)

Super special treat for the kids – GRANDMA, HARLEY AND MIKE! Mike had a doctor’s appointment here in the city and then this evening was Harley’s puppy class so they drove the car we are borrowing up for us. Not big enough for the whole family but it will get us out and about! And  as an added bonus, for a large chunk of the afternoon we had Grandma and Harley time and then Mike time to boot!

Grandma Anna and Harley

Mike and Trinity

Mom didn’t remember Echo’s costume but they have to come back into the city on Monday, so if we don’t have the van by then she will drop it off. We did get to see pictures of the dress she is working on to wear to Chris and Chris’ wedding in August of 2011. I am DYING to see the costume… and take a multitude of pictures of it!!

Eating the elephant ears Mike brought them (Gavin yellow)

Since we had guests  this afternoon our painting is put off til tomorrow BUT now that we have a car AND Chris here in the evenings she has offered to watch the 4 bigger ones so we can run errands one night. YAY.

I am very close to finishing my thank you gift stitch so that is the plan for tonight, and making a wall hanging for Echo with her name to go on the wall. Cricut + laminator = creative fun.

Baby and part of the stitch

So I am hoping for sunshine tomorrow, it was too damp today for lawn work. Since we don’t have the van I want to pile up the leaves from the front and back to take pictures and let the kids run wild. Pumpkins on the 23rd…Ken’s birthday the same day – party date unknown… October always seems to zoom by!

Baby in a bag!

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